Worst Decision Ever

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As I awaken the next day, feeling pretty shit. No messages from Adam. I hope he's settling in. I made a mistake coming here. I should just get on a flight this morning to Orlando and forget yesterday ever happened. The decision never happened. Fuck. The temptation is high, but this is what we decided. The last few weeks had been so much fun. Maybe I need another drink and to spend my pain away.

So I was planning to do some fashion shopping, which I honestly haven't done in a long, long time. Clothes shopping meant spending time with my mother so I tried to avoid it at all costs, then I moved out and free to do me. Event booking agency, a poster on the window. A WWF poster to be exact. Adam & Jay (The Brood [Edge & Christian]) vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy. This event is where my money is now going. The event is held in Memphis, Tennessee which is about 4 hours from here. Easy drive.

"Hi, I'd like to purchase a ringside ticket to the WWF event in Memphis" I tell the guy sitting at the desk

"Ringside is unavailable for that event, they are either reserved or sold out already" the guy, Paul, replies, not even searching their system

"You're kidding me" I say in disbelief and slight anger

"No ma'am"

I take a deep breath. "Okay, let me put it this way, I NEED that front row ticket"

"Front row?"

"Yes, front row, that is what I said"

"Well, I guess I could... no"

I tilt my head slightly to the side, thinking, there is something up with this guy, and I will find out. "Look at me" I demand

He looks up and I look deeply into his eyes with a smile.

"How's your love life, Paul?" I ask

He laughs. "You aren't my type, and that's not how it works"

"Shame, gay men that haven't come out of their closet to their parents, are certainly my type"

He stares at me in shock. "How did you know?" he whispers

"It's a curse which I can continue to work, for free, finding you your soulmate, for a single front row, ringside ticket to that event"


"I'm a match maker, best in the business" I wave off, trying to be modest, but considering everything that's been done to get me here, clearly I am pretty good. "But if you don't want that, that's fine, stay in your shell, keep lying to yourself and your father"

"Can you? Please" he asks

"Only for that ticket"

"Deal" he says with a huge happy smile on his face, with a sign of relief, looking over his shoulder to make sure his supervisor wasn't looking

I smile back.

Knock knock

Shit, they are making their way out of their graves.

The rest of the week passes by as the slowest week of my life. It was also one of the most confusing and hardest ones of my life. Damn these accents, find it so hard to understand people around here, my ear are so not used to hearing these accents. But as always in my life, I'll get used to it.

My office is a small corner office, not a cubicle, with a view of the city below. Rebecca's larger office is on the other side of the floor. She's bought me in as a second in charge, to the disgust of the team. And without my knowledge. I handle the larger clients that Rebecca needs a hand with, and have an assistant named Lisa.

"I don't need an assistant" I tell Rebecca when she finally gives me the details of the role

"You will, and Lisa is brilliant. Even if you just get her to do your coffee run" Rebecca waves off

"I can do that"

"Miss Barnes, you have it, do you want her fired?"

"No, I'll keep her"


I spend the week studying the files of my new clients, along with searching through the Queer section, or sections because they are spend out in all the cabinets. This office is a mess, files within files and odd categories. What have I done?

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