Life Starts

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I wake up early the next day, unsure of my surroundings. Then I remember what I need to do. Find my documents. As I look through my bags there's a knock at my door.

"Who the fuck is wanting me at this time in the morning?!" I ask myself and walk towards the door, opening it to find no one there. "Must be my tired mind playing tricks on me" I tell myself as I close the door and continue looking through my bags for the documents.

Another knock at the door. "If there's no one at the door, I'm going to be pissed"

I open it and no one. I close the door, but it's stopped by a foot in the doorway. I turn around and I'm greeted by Adam, smiling. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans in for a kiss. Then comes a line that isn't nice to hear after a kiss.

"Need to brush your teeth, you still got morning breath" he says and looks down at me

"Of course I still had morning breath, it's 8 in the morning"

"You're not usually up this early, are you?"

"No, not when I have it my way. If I had it my way I wouldn't have got up until at least 10"

"Sleepy head"

"Hey, you were sleepy head yesterday"

"True, now go do your teeth and we'll go out for some breakfast"

"Really? Because I'm not hungry"

"Yes really. And one of the only things that you were saying yesterday is that you were hungry"

"Fine.  I'll go brush my teeth" I say, rolling my eyes and go back into my room.

Adam follows and sits on the bed, waiting. I grab my tooth brush and paste and head for the bathroom.

"Zoe, you've made quite a mess"

"Yeah, I know. I've been looking for something"

"What you been looking for?"

"Just some documents to get a job"

"Oh, okay then"

"Well I need to find something"

"I'm sure you will. Can ask if they are doing tryouts? You kicked Chris's ass"

"Thanks, if I can't find something, I'll think about joining you"

He pulls me in, grabbing at my waist. "Gosh you're hot"

Raking his hair back to force his eyes up at mine. "We could just skip breakfast"

Pulling me into a straddle position on him and stroking up my back. "If I had one, then that would sound like a great idea"

"Hmm shame"

"Are you just using me for my body?" he grins, kissing me lightly

"Is there any other reason?" I laugh, holding his face close to mine, licking his lips

His fingers move under my bra cup and across my nipple as we kiss.

"Where'd you have in mind for breakfast?" I breathe, begging his lips for more

"There's, umm, a café on the corner" he sighs, pulling me down and rolling me onto my back, pressing himself against me

"Near the store?"

"There's a store, yeah" he confirms, grinding

"We eat"

"And then we eat" he groans, lifting me off the bed

We leave my hotel room feeling on edge as we make our way to the café, hand in hand.

"So what job you going for?" he asks after ordering his coffee and my tea

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