Why Are You Here?

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It's been a few months now. Things have been fine in most aspects of life. I still perform at Patrick's bar every couple of weekends with Joe, which has just turned into every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.

Things are great with Jay. He makes me smile even if it only a few days every few weeks. I wish he never had to leave. This long-distance scheduling is hard on us both. They say the distance makes the heart grow fonder, but really it just makes the sex more intense.

Rebecca is leaving soon, the office has now been secured in Tampa, Florida. A 20 minute drive from their place. Maybe I should have taken the transfer. But then I would have to see Adam as well, and then see Adam with another woman. I still haven't deleted the voicemail from Christmas. It's burnt into my brain now, I've played it so many times. Only Kim knows about it, and I won't let her delete it. I can't transfer.

Speaking of jobs, I hate this job, wish I never took it in the first place. My office is more of a prison than actual prison, the place is going to drive me mad. Small rock of street heroin in my draw, could be what gets me through. The high never as great as it should be, but maybe it's enough. Small rock now on my desk, tempting me, staring me down into temptation. Take small piece off the rock, put rest back into the draw, get my rolling paper out, can't find my lighter. Roll the shit in the paper, where the fuck is my lighter? Knock on the door. It's Rebecca.

"Just a reminder, I'm here for another 2 weeks" she reminds me

"Yeah, I know. Do you have a light?" I ask as she closes the door behind her, entering my office

She pulls out a lighter from her purse, handing it over to me.

"Thanks" I smile with the joint between my lip

"You going to be fine running this place?" she asks

"Should be"

Been doing it all this time anyway, leave me alone to get high, witch.

"So, you are off the drugs now?" she questions, staring suspiciously at me

"Yeah, except alcohol and this stuff" I answer taking a slow inhale

"Good, good"

The chill rises from my lower spine to my shoulders, sending goosebumps down my forearms.

Oh, hello there.

"I have to go talk to the others now. Just wanted to make sure that you're fine with the deal"

No, send me instead.

"Absolutely fine, go right ahead. All will run fine here, trust me" I smile, shutting down that thought.

"Excellent" she breathes, a sigh of relief, tension lifting from her shoulders.

"Nervous, Rebecca?" I ask, feeling my mind start to swim as I relax back into my chair

"Excited actually. Some nerves, but this was a great idea"

"Yes, you had a great idea, and you are championing this idea completely on your own. It's going to go great" I grin, raising my eyebrows at her

"It is going to be great" she reassures, pulling out her cheap cigarettes from her purse, lighting one and puffing it down quickly, "I'll still be your boss by the way"

"You're never going to let me forget that"

"So I will be doing check-ins"

"Wouldn't have it any other way, Rebecca. Don't you need to chat to the team now?"

"Oh, yes, right. You sure you don't want to transfer?"

My god, just leave.

"Perfectly sure"

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