Walk Me Home

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The morning of work goes quickly as everyone is excited for the afternoon and evening of festivities that is the Christmas party. We are closing the office for the afternoon and heading to the main hall in town for some drinks and food from a well known catering company, before going out on the town. The team deserves this and Rebecca can't say no, I'm under budget, so why not hit some clubs and strip joints for ladies night.

The ladies are having fun, splashing singles at the topless guys and drinking cocktails.

"This is the best party ever!" Amanda screams

I stand in the corner and watch from afar, smoking a cigarette and sipping on a scotch. Some strong arms come from behind me and lips near my ear.

"Hi, I missed you"

I turn around and see Adam's smiling face right there

"Holy shit, hi" I cough from the shock, and pull his face to mine. I'm sure he can smell the alcohol and cigarettes on my breath. I've had too much of both tonight to care where this leads.

We kiss desperately.

"I missed you" I moan

"Surely there's a quiet or dark spot we can go" he growls, rubbing against my hip

"How'd you find me anyway?" I question

"A lot of searching. And you left your schedule of venues at your apartment" he confesses. He looks around. "I'm surprised on the choice of venue"

"It's for them to celebrate the end of year. I'm closing the office for the rest of the year so they can do whatever they want"

"Well aren't you a nice boss. Now about that dark spot"

I can still hear the girls going crazy near the stage area. "Well, I'm not going into one of the rooms, that time has sailed"

"Could always just do it in the bathroom stools" he grins, the grin that makes me weak.

"As much as I want you, I'm not doing it in the bathroom stools" I laugh, finishing my drink

He pulls me close and kisses my forehead.

"Adam, we need to talk" I admit

"I know, but not now. We are fine"

We kiss slowly and passionately. I feel the cold wall against my back and the heat between us.

"Wait" I breathe and place my hand on his shoulder. "I can't do this, not here and not until we've talked things through"

"Well did you want to get out of here?"

I nod and head over to where Lisa is drinking a large cocktail. "Hey, keep this going for as long as you want, up to you all if you want to head to any of the other places, but here's the credit card, so have fun" I ramble, handing her the company card

"Oh ok" Lisa says, taking it

I smile at her and head back to Adam. "Let's go"

The cold icy chill awakens all senses at once.

"So where we going?" he asks

"Well I am thinking home, but if you have a better idea" I answer, getting into his car

He starts the engine. "I have an idea, one of our old spots"

We pull up to Jimmy's 24 hour gym.

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