Mrs Copeland, Checking In

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The days start rolling into each other and before I know it, it's Valentines Day. The last busy day before the normal season.

Many of the consultants received gifts to their desk, and I give them an extra time at lunch should they wish to take it with their loved one. Lisa loved this, going out with her husband-to-be Bryan. Their wedding had been postponed due to family illness, so she's finally tying the knot in April. I enjoy the welcome distraction of incoming calls from clients to distract me from the fact that my husband-to-be isn't in the same state as me.

A large bouquet of flowers arrives at my desk when Lisa comes back from lunch. "Someone got something special" she smiles placing it down along with some chocolates

"Oh, chocolates, he does know me well" I grin before seeing the card on the chocolates

'Z, love J'

Fuck! Well the flowers are from Adam, and they are beautiful. The card though, that was another thing entirely.

'I know you'll be in LA for these dates. Head to this hotel and check in under the name of Mrs Copeland – you may want to get used to that name. I'll see you soon. Love you x'

Scrunching up the card from Jay, I dump the chocolates on the kitchen table after eating one, and sending an email to the team – subject Free Chocolates!

The heels of Lisa's stilettos click on my newly tiled floor.

"I don't want to hear it" I stop her before she can question the email

"Hey babe" Adam answers the phone

"I thought we said no presents this time since we weren't in the same state for it?" I smile, playing with the card between my fingers and smelling the flowers

"Needed to make sure you got something, can't have your office thinking you are marrying a horrible man"

"They already know that"

"Did you get the card?"

"I certainly did. So I need to get used to that name?"

"Well you're going to take my name, right?"

"Mrs Zoe Copeland"

"It has a nice ring to it"

"It does, doesn't it?" I say, smiling into the office phone

"I take that as a yes then"

"Of course"

"I can't wait to see you"

"I'm excited, just to check in under my new name is exciting, it's like being a new person"

"It'll be like being my wife" he smiles

"I look forward to that day"

"Me too. Hey, so did you decide on the contract?"

"No, I figured I'd decide at last minute"

Lisa knocks on the door. "Rebecca's on line 2"

"Babe, I need to go" I rush

"Ok love you"

"Love you too" I finish and hand up, then hitting 2

"Hi Rebecca"

"Zoe, just checking in"

"Fine here. How's it in Florida?"


"I know this call wasn't to check in on me"

"Is it true you are wanting to promote from within?"

"Where'd you hear that?" I whisper

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