My King

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The tattoo has healed, now I can get it fixed.

"Alex, I need an appointment" I say, calling the tattooist

"I'm free today, come in and I'll see what I can do"

"This is a 5 hour job at least"

"It's fine"

"Cool, I'll be there soon"

I head into the city to see Alex at the studio.

"So what we doing?" he asks

I remove my shirt and show him the damage on my shoulder. "I need this fixed"

"Oh damn, how drunk were you?"

"I don't remember a damn thing, but it needs something better. I like the spot, but it cannot be this"

"I've been playing around with a rose dragon design that could work"

"Let's do it"

He preps the area and places the stencil. "You might want to get comfortable for the day"

"That's fine, I got nothing on. Thanks for getting me in, I'm surprised you didn't have any clients today"

"People are still on their holidays, I guess"

About 6 or so hours later, it's complete.

"That looks amazing, you're a star as always Alex"

He wraps it up as I pay. "Let me know if it needs a touch up once it heals. No crazy sex for the next week, it will ruin the line work"

"Seriously Alex, what do you take me for?"

"You came in with 'slut' on your shoulder"

"Fine, partner isn't back for another two weeks anyway so nothing to worry about. I'll be at home and that's it"

He smiles knowingly at me. "See you soon"

A couple days later...

"This can't be the right place" Adam says pulling up to the gate in Jay's rental car, with Jay also in the car

"It's what the address says, put the key in" Jay insists

He does, the key is a perfect fit, it turns and the gate opens. "Oh fuck" he swears then drives up the driveway.

"Honey, I'm home. Jay's here as well" Adam shouts from the front door, dropping his bag

I'm in the basement, playing around on the piano trying to work out a melody.

"God, I do hope this is the right place" Jay jokes, beginning to look around, "otherwise we are fucked"

"She has to be here, the front door was unlocked" Adam questions, beginning to search

Door opens. "Found her" Jay yells with a large smile

"Holy shit, Jay. What the fuck?!" I shout, shocked

"Yeah, umm, what the fuck to you" he shouts back, gesturing to the room

"Hey babe, oh wow" Adam says in awe of the room

"It's not done yet" I mention. "Umm, I'll show you the place I guess. This is my hide out" I motion to the basement then climb the stairs past them, grabbing Adam's hand on the way up, interlocking our fingers. "Down here we have the living area, kitchen, and library. Upstairs is the bedrooms and bathrooms. I'm thinking of changing one of the bedrooms into a gym and another into a theatre study area"

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