Build It, And They Shall Come

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The alarm goes off, I'm back at work today. It's 6am. "Why today?" I ask myself, half asleep.

I turn the alarm off and my head falls back onto the pillow. I'm back asleep. My cell phone goes off half an hour later, waking me up.

"Hello" I answer, half asleep

"Hey" a little voice on the other end says

"Who's this?" I ask, confused

"Me, Adam"

My eyes snap open. "Oh, hey!"

"Did I wake you?"

"Nah, I needed to be woken up anyway"

"That's good then"

There's silence for a few moments, only the sounds of our breath hitting the speaker. The silence speaking words that we never could.

"I miss you" I croak, tears starting to roll

"I miss you too. How are settling into America?"

"Horribly, it would be much better if there was this stupid company in Florida too"

"We all wish that" he laughs

"How are you settling in?"

"I've spent quite a bit of time in the States before so, isn't as bad. Be better once I can sleep"

"Why do you think that is?"

"I... I miss you too much"

"I got your letters"

"So you were there?"

"I wasn't going to miss the chance to see you again"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there"

"Please get some rest. I'd hate for you to get hurt, especially doing what you love so much. You mean too much to me for that"

"I'm trying to follow the doctors orders, it's very hard to get my mind off you"

"Don't say that" I smile, wiping the tears off my cheek

"Can you call in sick today?"

"You might have been persuasive to my boss in Canada. This boss cannot be charmed as easily. Anyway, you need to rest"

"I need you, there's a difference"

"Adam, no. We talked about this"

"What if I take it back?"

"What if it doesn't work out, and we hurt even more?"

"We don't know if we don't try"


"Zoe, I can't rest"

"We have talked about the possibility and decided no. I can't have my heart broken by you again"

"Fine, ok. I get it"

"I love you, I just, I just can't"

"I love you too. Just do me a favour"

"What's that?"

"Ask your boss to build an office in Florida"

"I will"

"You promise?"

"I promise, with god as my witness, I will ask my boss"

"Thank you"

"I have to go, please, get some rest"

"I will, I will try"

I hang up, before I say anything more. Anything I may regret. I miss him so much.

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