Call Of A Friend

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Two months later there's the 6th message from Rebecca from the AMMA. These guys are desperate. I've told them that I don't want the job but they just keep calling. In the end, if I do take it, it would probably be to get them to stop calling me!

(The message) "Miss Barnes, we are yet to hear from you, we need to know if you're going to take the job or not. It'll be the one in Nashville, Tennessee. If you lost the number it is... 555-0120-6361. We wait to hear a good answer from you – Rebecca"

"STOP CALLING ME! Don't you realise that I don't want the fucking job, or are you that fucking thick in your fucking head!" I yell at my answering machine. "Man, one more call and I will turn into a crazy person with a sledgehammer" I say to myself.

I pick up the phone and call Sera. I have a gut feeling she is part of this, knowing how much she wanted me to go to the USA instead of Canada, and how disappointed she was that I didn't take the job. How did the company even know of me? She answers and before she can say anything I get the first word in.

"Sera, did you give my old boss my phone number?" I ask

"Umm, yeah" she replies

"Great, I knew it"

"Why? Something bad happen?"

"Well, by you giving my old boss my phone number, she then gave it to the chick in the USA who wants me to work for them. And I don't want to"

"Yeah, sorry about that"

"No, you're not sorry, you always wanted me to live your dreams instead of my own... you always wanted me to live in the USA, never Canada. I have my own hopes and dreams to live without you stuffing them up all the fucking time, because you are a selfish bitch who can't stand the fact that I'm finally happy, for the first time in my life I'm actually happy" I yell, unable to control my rage

"How could you?" she asks, starting to get worked up

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you like a mad person, but I'm fucking pissed off and fed up of that chick calling me, wanting me to do a job that I HATE. And it's your fault, because she wouldn't have got my apartment phone number if you didn't give me old boss the number"

"So what are you going to do about it?" she asks, taking a deep breath

"I don't know. Maybe destroy this phone and get a new number"

"Would you give it to me & Kim?"

"Can I trust you?"

"I'm your best friend"

"Best friends don't do this, Sera! How can you be be my best friend and want to torment me?" I laugh, feeling myself go mad

She hangs up.

"Fuck!" I yell, slamming the phone down.

I contact my landlord, telling him I have a stalker calling me on a weekly basis and need a new number. He's going to get it organised for me. Now, to destroy the phone and machine itself. Using a sledgehammer again feels good, like home. Oh, there's a unwelcome flashback, broken glass and bashed cars. Maybe I should get into construction.

The months go by, enjoying a happy dating life. Work is either busy or slow. Friday and Saturdays are busy, then we get happy hour for the office workers. My birthday draws closer by the day. I told Adam not to get me anything – "I don't care about my birthday, it's just a day". He argued, I came back with the fact we are both working and both adults. Then he said he loves me, and we had sex.

"I don't need anything for my birthday, I have you" I end the argument

"You're lucky you're cute" he laughs

"Do you plan on staying in Canada?" Chris asks, swirling the ice in his vodka

"I hope to. Do you plan on moving?" I ask back, drying a bunch of glasses for the dinner shift

"Maybe, talked about Florida and California a few times"

"Oh nice. I used to dream of California growing up during my teenage years, but think most people do. Move to Hollywood and become a big star sort of thing"

He laughs slightly.

"I just wouldn't be able to do the heat again. Heat didn't agree with me in Australia, don't see why it would agree with me there"

"Then definitely not Florida" he nods

"No, not there"

"Think I see it more of a career move than anything. That's where the big leagues go from, so travel wise, would just be easier"

"Yeah, I guess. I heard they have alligators in Florida"

"Like I wouldn't be able to take down one of those?" Chris laughs, flexing his biceps

I laugh, shaking my head at him.

"Adam popped the question yet?" he asks, grinning into his glass

"We've been dating for less than a year"

He shrugs

"What do you know, Christopher?" I ask, demanding an answer

"Nothing! And don't call me that"

"Just know I can cut you off"

"And I could just not tip you"

"I hate you"

"I wish I had what you and Adam had, you are pretty much perfect for each other"

"Thanks, I think. You just need to get yourself out there" I reassure him, topping up his drink

"Sherri seeing anyone?"

"Sherri? As in here Sherri?"


"She has a girlfriend last I heard"


"You're a good guy, Chris, you'll find someone" I smile at him, as customers start to stream in for happy hour

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