The Devil Inside

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The next morning comes with some odd sunlight.

"Sunlight at this time of year?" I ask myself and stare at my clock. "I needed to get up anyway"

I feel odd. What is with today?

'Vegas, this weekend x yay or nay x' Adam texts

'Depends. What are your plans for Vegas? X' I message back

'You, me, forever x'

I don't text back, not knowing how I feel about that. Another Vegas wedding. Not sure about that.

I head to work, like I do every other weekday. Well, nearly every weekday. I have a cuppa and a bagel, but still something feels off. My computer loads and the many, many emails flood my inbox.

"Good morning Miss Barnes. How are you feeling today?" Lisa asks.

"Morning Lisa. Everything is okay, I think. How are you?"

"Yeah, good. Sun's out this morning"

"Do you think that's strange? The sun being out, after all the days of gloom and snow, and coldness?" 

"It is, but the world works in mysterious ways. I think today is going to be a good day. And, it's only a week until the Christmas party."

"Is it? Wow, that came around quick" I realize as I sip on my tea.

"Yeah, which means it's only a week and a half until I'm finally married, and only a couple weeks away from Christmas break" she rambles, dreaming.

"Thank god!" I sigh. "Speaking of getting married, Adam wants to get married in Vegas again"

"Really? Again?"

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do"

"So, you don't want to do that again?"

"Not really, no. I..." I begin before being cut off by the phone ringing.

"We'll continue at lunch" Lisa leaves.

I nod as I pick up the phone. "Rebecca, hi"

"Zoe, is everything booked for the Christmas function up there?"

"Yes, everything is confirmed"

"Oh good. And Charles Hunter is on board with everything?"

"Yes, contract signed, money secured"


"How's everything down there?"

"Good, good, yeah"

"Ok, alrighty then. Is that all?"

"For now, yes"

"Have a good day Rebecca"

"You too"

I hang up.

Lunch comes around and its salad all round.

"So, Adam wants to get married in Vegas?" Lisa starts

"Yeah, and I really don't want to"

"What do you want?"

"I want a proper wedding, but not church wedding. I want to be in a lace and satin white dress. I want to be able to remember it."

"That sounds nice"

"Nicer than another Vegas wedding that I probably won't remember, with probably an Elvis impersonator officiating the whole thing"

"So, are you going to tell him?"

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