Morning To Remember

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The next morning comes along and Jay is asleep on the sofa in just his underwear and Kim wakes him up.

"Oh my god, you're Christian" Kim says in excitement.

"Hello, where do you want me to sign?" he answers, half asleep, barely opening his eyes

"Sign what?" she asks, starting to make breakfast

"Okay then" he says as he sits up

"You after Zoe?"

"Zoe? Oh yeah, yeah. Which one is her room?" he asks and stands up

"Down the hall, last door on your left"

"Thanks... uhh"


"Thanks Kim" he thanks and walks to my room, grabbing his clothes on the way.

"Oh, you're awake" he whispers

"Yeah, couldn't sleep" I reply, burying my head into a gossip magazine

"Well, your sofa is very comfortable, up until your roommate woke me"

"Sorry" I apologise, smirking. "Then again, you're the one that stripped down to your underwear" I shrug, flipping the page of the magazine

"Good thing I wasn't nude"

"Oh god" I mumble, the thought of him nude flashing through my mind


"Nothing" I smile at him

"I'm going to attempt to get some more shut eye" he groans, crawling up the bed towards me, resting his head on my other pillow and draping his arm over my hip. "Night sweetheart"

"Sweet dreams honeybun"

I must've fallen asleep, my alarm hadn't gone off, it's nearly 10am. I hear the front door slam, must've been Sera leaving for her job at one of the local fashion shops. Jay is asleep next to me, mouth gaping open, he's in such a deep sleep. I don't dare to move, not that I could, his arm locking me in place. I use the time to study him, the features of his face, carefully raking back his hair to see every mark, every old freckle, every eyelash and line on his lips.

"What are you doing?" he asks, smiling a toothy grin, his eyes staying closed

"Nothing, I didn't want to wake you" I reply

His eyes snap open. "So, this is what I was missing from my mornings"

"Don't, Jay"

"Yes, Zoe"


"Yes" he groans, his fingers moving under my underwear waistband

"No" I laugh, feeling ticklish at his cold fingertip touch

"No?" he questions as his fingers move, inserting deep inside, pushing upwards towards that gorgeous spot, his eyebrow raising at me. He studies my face, my body giving into his touch.

"Fucker" I stutter, kissing him with every ounce of will I could give. Yes, this is what I want. This is who I want. I will remember it this time.

His tighty whitey underwear hit the floor with my thin tshirt and underwear. We face each other, kneeling on the bed, taking it all in for a moment.

"I thought you said you weren't seeing anyone" he comments, grabbing the condoms from my bedside table

"I'm not, I didn't say I wasn't getting some"

"And I'm not going to be a one night stand"

"I know that, Jay" I breathe, claiming his lips in mine

His hand brings my leg around his hips, easing us back towards the pillows, and inserting himself with tender force. His head collapses onto my shoulder as he groans in pleasure. "Fuck, you feel good"

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