Don't Get Hurt

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"What time do you need to be there today?" I ask Adam as I get dressed for my day of work

"Two. Need to go through production, get any interviews done and check the run time, if anything needs to be changed on matches. That sort of stuff" he answers, sitting in his boxers on the bed, his hair damp from our shower

"I won't be able to get there for that time, I might be able to get there for four, maybe half past" I sigh, the evening ahead turning over in my head

"You just call me when you get there and I'll come out to get you in. It'll be fine. And yes, I cleared it with the boss"

"Oh, and if you hear the term 'Party Girl', I'm sorry" I groan, my face scrunching with the cringeworthy memories as I turn to face Adam

"You are forgiven" he smiles, pulling me closer and between his legs, his chin resting between my bra cladded breasts

"Thank you, I love you" I smile down at him, pushing his hair back.

Pouting his lips, he begs for a kiss with eyes tightly closed. Giggling, I kiss the waiting lips as he pulls me down onto the bed. "I love you too" he grins, slapping my ass and releasing me.

"You've still got my key, yeah?" I ask, frowning as I search my bag

"Yeah, it's on the table" Adam answers from the kitchen, sipping on his coffee

"Ok, good. Lock up when you head out, and I'll see you at the arena" I smile with relief

"Will do. Have a good day" he smiles with a twinkle in his eye

I laugh softly imagining the day ahead striding over to him. "Thanks. Love you" I grin up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingers twirling the hair on the back of his head

"Love you too" he grins, placing his cup down as his eyes stare intently into mine. Our lips join as tongues collide in sync.

"Until later" I breathe as he swallows a lump in his throat and the muscle in his jaw twitches.

Anything that could've gone wrong at work that day, did. Phone lines were down for a few hours, along with the system. But did that stop the clients and the meeting that needed to take place. Of course not. We had IT in the office trying to sort out half of the teams computers which wouldn't work at all.

"Rebecca, hi" I sighed heavily as she called my mobile

"Zoe, why am I getting a dial tone when I ring your office number?" she yells

"We are having internal issues with the phone and system stuff. I've got IT on it at the moment, but until then, the Tennessee office is offline except for in person meetings including clients" I ramble, clicking my computer mouse furiously, trying to get anything up except the welcome screen


"I'm working on it, okay, and I'll call you when I'm online" I groan, hanging up

Adam leaves the apartment at about midday, Jay waiting in the rental car in the carpark below. Putting the key into his duffel bag after locking the door, Adam heads down to the car where Jay is frowning in the front seat, tapping the steering wheel in anger.

"So we'll head to the gym for a quick session then the arena, yeah?" Adam smiles, putting his bag on the floor by his feet in the front passenger seat

"You have a key" Jay quietly states, frown lines deep on his brow

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