Braided Beard

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Get home just after 7pm, tired. The sun is still up, voices in the backyard. People are here. Why are people here? I decide not to think about it and just get changed out of my work clothes upstairs.

"Hello comfy clothes" I say to myself, getting into a singlet and flannelette shorts

"Hey sweetcheeks" Terry says, coming out the guest bathroom in the hallway

"Holy shit! Hey Terry, how are you?" I smile, feeling shocked like I've just jumped out of my skin

He pulls me in for a hug, grabbing my ass as always. "Good, how are you?" he winks, releasing me

"Yeah good. Tired but good"

"This is something here, wow. Who's dick did you have to suck for this place?"

"Adam's" I laugh

He laughs. "I'm going to head back outside"

"Okay" I blink, confused by what just happened and follow him downstairs

The smell of barbeque hits the senses, people laughing, someone at the grill I don't recognise.

"Look who's home everyone" Terry announces to everyone there

Adam gets up from the poolside, holding a beer and runs over. He damp from the pool and just wearing his shorts. "Hey wife" he greets, whispering, holding my waist

"Hey" I grin up at him. I notice his ring is now around his black chocker necklace, the guys don't know yet. "If I knew you were having the guys over, I would've stopped off at the bottle shop for a couple of cases"

"We're covered"

"Hey, I'm Nick, but friends call me Sinn" the guy at the grill introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Zoe" I greet

"I know, Adam's told me all about you" he smiles, going back to the burgers

"Hopefully all the bad stuff" I sigh

"Of course" he laughs, flipping the meat

"Nice to see you and Jay back together" I smile as Denise stands beside me, the guys throwing a ball hard at each other in the pool

"So weird for you to say that" she smiles with an evil undertone

"Why's that?"

"I know you have been trying to break us up"

"I definitely haven't"

We kind of have

"But you have" she states, turning to me

"I haven't. I think you guys are great for each other"

Well that's a lie

"You were at our house yesterday, Jay told me"

"And you're at mine today. I was in Florida on business. I messaged Jay after my meeting to see if he was home as I needed to collect some stuff. If he wasn't, I would've used the spare key that's under the pot plant"

"What did you need to collect?"

"I left some lyric sheets there in Adam's old draw, they were stuck at the back, and under the mattress"

"I didn't see you leave"

"You guys were a bit busy"

Thanks to us

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