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"Hey, how you feeling?" Jay asks as I pick up the phone

"Getting there, it's all in my nose now" I answer

"You sound gross"

"Well fuck you then" I cough, applying polish to my toenails

"Adam's starting to get sick"

"I told him he would, such an idiot. How are you?"

"Fine, just staying away from the sickness as much as possible"

"You're such a child"

"You love it"

I laugh as much as I can.

"Did he take credit for the soup?"

"You know he did. I knew it was from you before I saw the note. He said it was his mothers recipe"

Jay laughs loudly, it echoes. "Have I told you about the time he burnt baked beans?"

"How can you burn baked beans?"

"He found a way"

"Remind me never to eat something he serves me"

"You're going to be a housewife to him"

"Oh shit"

"You're going to have to break up with him"

"Can't. How else am I supposed to afford nice things?"

"Rob a bank"

"You bail me out"

"Of course"

"Where are you?"

"In the garden"

"That's a lie"

"Technically not"

"You're hiding out in the shed, aren't you?"

"I was looking for a spanner then I thought I'd call you. I'm very handy, you know"

"I don't know. What does a spanner do, Jay?"

"It, spans, stuff"

I laugh, putting the polish on my bedside. "Exactly"

"I hate that you're sick"

"You missing me?"

"No. Adam is just cramping my style"

"You have no style"

He laughs. "I have the best style"

"Well don't worry, I'll be better soon. I'll take him off your hands"


"I hate staying home, I hate being sick, I want to be at work or hanging out with you"

"Hurry up and get better"

"Fine, I will"

"Oh, Terry and Chris say hi"

"You have to give Terry something to grab"

"Fuck no"

"Yes" I laugh, "I'm going to get some more sleep, I'll talk to you later"

"Night slut"

"Bye whore"

I'm back to work with no more flu and Adam is off work due to a flu. I take over my version of chicken soup on the way to work, he looks worse than I did, cocooned on the sofa in his living room.

"Here, this should make you feel a bit better" I say and hand him the flask

"What is it?" Adam asks with a raspy throat

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