The Show

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"Have you been sleeping?" the company doctor asks Adam a couple days before the Memphis show

"Of course" Adam lies. He hasn't gotten a restful sleep since the move

"He's lying" Jay interjects. Adam's match health effects his plans as much as Adam's, plus he knew he'd lie to keep going. Adam would kill himself for this business.

"Shut up will you!" Adam yells at Jay

The doctor checks Adam's reaction times, which are very slow. "You aren't doing the next events. Bed rest for the next week, Adam. You'll put yourself and others at risk" the doctor declares

"Cool, I work out a game plan with Matt & Jeff for the next week of matches" Jay smiles, patting the doctor on the shoulder, "thanks Doc"

"I'm fine, I swear" Adam yells

"Home, sleep, come back in a week and we'll take it from there" the doctor finishes, writing it up

"I'm fine, I swear" Adam smiles, barely able to keep his eyes open, the morning of the Memphis event

"You're not coming" Jay commands, grabbing his bag

"I need to"

"What if she's not there?"

"But what if she is?"

"You have your orders. She would want you to follow them and look after yourself"

"I can't. I need to go" Adam sighs, collapsing on the sofa

"You need to stay. If I see her, I'll make sure she knows. I'm sure she does, she'll be missing you as much as you are missing her. I don't see why you didn't try long distance"

"It's not how we work, you wouldn't understand"

"You can't go, Adam. I'm not continuing this anymore" Jay yells

"Fine! Just give her something for me if you do see her" Adam groans, sitting up, defeated

"I'm not having sex with her" Jay quickly says, knowing it'll get a rise out of Adam

Adam slaps Jay hard, then punches him below the belt. "You definitely aren't"

"You fucker" Jay moans in pain

Adam laughs slightly. "I'll go get it" he says, heading to his bedroom, grabbing some letters he had been working on, unable to bring himself to send. Especially since he doesn't know Zoe's new address. "Give her these"

"Ok" Jay breathes, getting his stance back. "Rest, the sooner you do, the sooner you can get back on the road"

The day of the event comes and I've taken the time off work, buying a secondhand ute for my first car here. It's warm and sunny here, autumn... or fall as they say it here... is yet to arrive. The scenery itself reminds me of the Australia I grew up in. It gives me chills.

"Why did I move here again? It's way too much like Australia" I ask myself. "The only things missing are the beaches and the ocean"

I continue my journey down the highway, blasting the radio, wishing I could get the cassette player to work.

I arrive at the arena at about 3pm, three hours before doors open. Quite a few rental cars are already at the back of the arena, including the gear trucks, but more and more cars are arriving. I watch, recognising a few from the television screen. Is that Jay? I move closer to the back car park to get a better look.

"Jay, you asshole!" I yell

His blonde ponytail head turns, a face that was frowning now shining bright. "Zoe, you slut!" he screams

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