Goodnight Snowing Hills

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The next week comes is all about packing. I'm glad I hadn't purchased much in my time here, only a few extra warm clothes, underestimating the chill of the snow. The apartment I got came furnished so I only got a new bed sheet set. Adam, Jay and Chris also spend this time packing their stuff including bits of furniture they may need for the new place. I've spent as much time as possible these past few weeks with Adam, whenever we weren't working, we were together, whether it was sex, watching something on television, going out on dates or talking until early hours of the mornings. We just needed to be with the other. Not sure if I ever let go of his hand when he was there, giving me a sad smile. We know what's coming.

The week nearly ends, we all head down to Vegas. It is how you would imagine it, maybe not as great, but it's all there. The lights, the sounds, the chapels, the casinos and the shows. The plan is to spend a few nights here, head back to Toronto then make our way to whatever state we are planning to live in next. Plans don't stay plans when you do everything drunk. And plans don't stay plans when you are in Vegas. There was a wedding through, with a drag queen, and Elvis. It's Vegas baby.

We wake up the afternoon after the wedding in our suite at Caesar's Palace. The room stinks of alcohol, vomit ... and something that I can't seem to put my finger on. Is that? No, it can't be. It can't be coke. We might've been up for the past couple of days drinking and gambling, but I have not touched that stuff in over 12 months, thank you very much. I lift my head up, sun is shining through the blinds, I hear a groan from another part of the room. It hurts to move or think. Why am I on the floor?

"Ow fuck" I mumble to myself, realising that was a thought.

White powder on the table. It's not pure cocaine, my years of experience tells me that. What is it laced with? Tasting the tiniest pinch.

"Either acid or ecstasy, lovely" I conclude.

Those combinations would explain how we are feeling today, and how the days have blurred.

Piecing together previous blackouts has been part of my past I thought I left behind. Maybe I needed to go out on a bang like this. I crawl over to the envelopes at the door. A few wedding photos, a wedding certificate to say that it's only legalised in Vegas and a fuck load of cash. Chris has his arm around the drag queen and Elvis is in the middle. We were wasted at that point, there no telling who married who. There only clue is the band on my finger now.

I try to stand up but vomit while doing so. "All acid... nice!" I blink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Where are the rest of my clothes? "Fuck" I groan, holding onto the wall to keep me standing and try to walk around the room.

Someone else waking up. It's Chris, laying on one of the sofas. No ring on his finger.

"Oh thank god!" I say to myself

"Hey, what happened last night?" Chris asks, looking up at me

I show him my hand, not wanting to open my mouth again.

"Oh, okay then" he sighs, looking down at his to check.

Jay walks out of the bathroom, with vomit stains on his top and around his mouth. I look at his hand from a distance... no ring. "Hey guys" Jay says, vomiting on the floor, which then makes Chris vomit. It's vomit galore. I feel sorry for the cleaners.

"Yeah, I'm not vomiting. Not again" I say, watching stomach acid fall around me. I hear a groan in the background. I turn around too quickly for my coming down, drunk mind and fall over. There goes my balance.

Chris and Jay start laughing, and then I start laughing. Adam waddles into the room, wearing only his boxers and holding his head. He rakes back his hair and I see a ring on his finger. I smile, it hurts. Adam vomits. Don't you just love the taste of stomach acid when you wake up?

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