Birthday Surprise

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A couple of weeks later, work just hasn't picked up. I'm only just able to pay rent at the end of the month and it's just getting harder to get by. Maybe I should just pack up and take the other job? Fuck it! It's not getting any easier.

"Hi, is this Rebecca Murray?" I ask as someone picks up the phone, her number has been burnt in my brain

"Hang on, I'll send you though to her"

"Thanks" I say and wait

"This is Rebecca Murray"

"Hi Rebecca, it's Zoe. You offered me a job a few months back"

"Oh yes, Zoe. It's great to finally hear from you"

"So, I've been thinking about the offer. When would you want me to start?" I ask

"Whenever you feel comfortable starting" she replies

"Right, but that's not really an answer"

"So do you want to take the job?"

"Yep" I squeak, insides sinking

"Great, when would you like to start?" she cheers

"Give me 2 months"

"So September, say the 15th"


"Is it okay if we fly you out here late August?"

"Why not?"

"And we'll fix you up with a place to live for the first 6 months"

"Yeah, that'll be great"

"Anything to get you working with us"

"You're sounding desperate now"

"I'll get the flight booked and mail you the tickets"


"Talk to you soon"

"Yep, bye" I finish

"Bye" she ends and hangs up

"Shit!" I yell. What have I just done?

It's Saturday, it's my birthday, and I have work. Phone.

"Happy birthday baby" Adam screams as I answer the phone

"You remembered" I respond, smiling ear to ear

"Of course I remembered, why would I forget?"

"I don't know, past experience shows otherwise"

"Well, I guess I'm better than that"

"Thank god!"

Adam laughs slightly

"I'm very fortunate to have one like you" I say

"I'm lucky to have you, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there today" he rambles

"It's fine, we both have to work. It's all fine. Good luck tonight with your match"

He laughs slightly. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you then" I say and hang up, sighing at my phone. Maybe I should call Rebecca and tell her it's a mistake? How am I supposed to tell Adam?

Work is busy. Yeah, I should tell Rebecca I made a mistake.

A few hours into my shift Adam enters while I was cleaning the counter. Stan sees and nearly tells me, when Adam tells Stan to keep quiet with the shh hand sign, which Stan winks at before shaking his head. I turn around and Adam ducks.

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