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November was fast approaching. Kim and Sera now know I got married at city hall – they were angry not to be able to throw me a proper bachelorette party, but have confirmed we shall go out on the town nearer to the party. It really is just the family that doesn't know. Flights and hotels have been organised for my family, and Adam's mum. I still haven't gone dress shopping. Adam said he was sorting out everything else – cake, decorations, food and drinks. All I needed to do was wake up and put on a show for everyone.

It's mid October now. Feeling spent in bed next to my husband. Adam had finally gotten home yesterday from the latest line of events that had him away for nearly 3 weeks. His eye had gotten swollen on the road, his current feud with Jay being intense, but very entertaining for the Intercontinental title whilst WCW and WWF clash on a weekly basis. This was their first major title reigns as singles competitors, and to watch them battle made for quite crazy training sessions as they perfected their storylined matches.

"I love you" Adam mumbles as he stretches, before heading to the bathroom

"I love you too" I smile, staring as his bare ass as he walks, still unable to move out of our bed. We missed each other, his stay only lasting a couple of days before he heads to St Louis for the next battle with Jay.

"Did you want to come to St Louis? We could make a weekend of it" Adam asks as he climbs back into bed

"I'll just need to let Joe know no gigs this weekend"

"It'll just be nice to have you there when I win my title back. You can congratulate me on my victory"

"That sounds like fun" I grin widely, thinking of the fun I could have with him

"Come with me" Adam demands with a low whisper, stroking my bare arm

"I already did" I giggle, eyebrows raised

"You know what I mean" he laughs, eyes bright as they could be after the past week.

"I know, I will"

Pashing deeply, the ache building for each other. It's so late – or maybe very early morning. We need to sleep, but to stop devouring each other, sleep can wait.

"Good morning, Lisa" I say with a yawn as I enter my office space

"Good morning, Mrs Copeland. Need a cup of tea?"

"Yes, large and strong. No sleep last night"

"I'll have that organised"

"When are my meetings today?" I ask, yawning again. I'm not sure I'll get through the day awake at this rate.

"First one is at 10am. You were also going to have Amanda shadow you this afternoon"

"Oh shit, I was, wasn't I? Can you ask she comes in here when you get the tea?"

"Of course" Lisa smiles and heads towards the consultant area where Amanda is setting up for the day. "She wishes to speak with you" Lisa says, walking past her and then trotting off to the kitchen

"You wanted to see me?" Amanda says quietly as she knocks on my office door

"Can we reschedule our thing that's this afternoon? Rough night, and I want you to get the best out of it" I mumble, rubbing my face. Quanked.

"Of course. I'll call a couple of clients and have them come in this afternoon instead" Amanda sighs. She wants this job, I need to stop showing up to work like this.

"Thank you, I'll put it into your calendar for next week" I say, trying to smile at her but my face muscles aren't responding. The smile looking screwed as dark circles form under my eyes.

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