Boxing Day Voice Messages

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Boxing Day. Four hangovers. Two states. Regrets to be tallied.

"Fuck, what happened last night?" Adam groans, waking up missing a shoe and his shirt

"I don't know, but I think I got lucky" Chris mutters, covering his eyes against the late morning sun, holding a lacy thong in his hand

"Good for you, man" Adam sighs, unable to move from the sofa

Jay stumbles out his room. "I hate you guys" he grunts, stumbling to the kitchen for a coffee

Adam and Chris laugh.

"You getting weak on us?" Chris asks Jay, throwing the throng at Adam

"It's just fun, it's harmless" Adam smiles, grabbing the throng, which he hadn't been able to catch, his hand eye coordination still off. He knows this throng, the slight hole in the waistband elastic seam.

"Nice, right?" Chris smiles, proud of his prize

"They're Zoe's"

"No they aren't"

"They are" Adam sighs, pocketing them



"What's Zoe's?" Jay asks, entering with a large mug of coffee

"Nothing" both Adam and Chris answer


"Fuck" I groan, starting to wish I had done some cocaine the day before. I had ignored the world yesterday, only engaging enough to find a satellite channel that broadcasted the Queen's Christmas Address.

Night train in a brown paper bag gets me up as I plug the phone back in and turn my cell on.

The screens on both phones light up with missed calls and voice messages. Hitting play while I drink and lighting up a cigarette was my only move.

"Hi Zoe, Merry..." my mothers voice booms over the voicemail machine, before I delete it without further hesitation

"Hey guys, Merry Christmas. Miss you, hope you can visit some time. Phil says hi too" Sera quickly rambles. I laugh, making sure I keep it for Kim to hear.

"Hey, I know you are doing a leave me alone day, just want to make sure you are still alive, don't leave the stove on and Merry Christmas. See you after New Years" Kim's assuring voice comes over, before I delete it from the machine.

"Hey babe. Guessing you are showering or asleep. Merry Christmas. Miss you, wish you were here. Call me when you get this. Love you" Jay's loving voice comes through. I smile, deleting it, reminding myself to call him today.

"I STILL LOVE YOU! I'M GOING TO GET YOU BACK! FUCK JAY!" Adam yells, loud music in the background.

"Fuck" I say after hearing Adam yell through the speaker. My finger hovers over the delete button before pressing keep.

"I'M GOING TO MARRY YOU! PICK UP YOUR FUCKING PHONE! Oh shit, Chris" Jay's voice booms through the speaker.

"Double fuck" I mutter, pressing keep.

I had the same sort of voice messages for Jay and Kim on my cell, along with Jay's text messages. Splashing cold water over my face before lighting up another cigarette, I give Jay's home number a call.

"Chris speaking" Chris answers the loud ringing phone near his resting head, his hand going to his forehead

"Merry Christmas little birdie" I laugh, wondering if I rang the right number, letting out a burp

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