Sing Our Song

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Rebecca wasn't in that day. I took that as indication she was packing up. I grabbed the files from her desk and got to work.

"Lisa, I need Rebecca's Tennessee schedule merged into my calendar" I ask, as I get in after only a couple hours sleep

"Yes Ms Barnes"

"And a cup of tea when you can" I smile, dumping the files into my office

"Of course, on it" Lisa replies, running to the kitchen

"Where's Rebecca?" Tiffany asks in a panic

"Home probably" I answer, studying the first client's file

"Is she sick?"

"She's likely packing and enjoying her last few days in this lovely town. Any issues now come to me"

Tiffany scoffs and stomps out my office.

"She is going to be a work" I mumble to myself

"Here's your tea, I'll get onto the schedule now" Lisa says, bringing in a steaming mug

"Thank you"

The rest of the day goes smoothly, everyone gets on with their work as normal. My schedule is now packed with meetings, something I haven't done in years.

"Hey, I booked a flight back to Orlando" Adam tells Jay as they weight train

"Why?" Jay asks, frowning

"To give you and Zoe space, you know I had a hard enough time moving past my own relationship with her" Adam replies

"If that's what you want. Thought you might have wanted to see her little band on the weekend"

"Nah, it's fine, really. I'll see them when they're big and famous" Adam laughs

"When's the flight?"

"First thing in the morning"

"Pub dinner tonight, I know a great spot"


'Meet at Pats tonight x love you' the text reads from Jay that Thursday afternoon.

Jay and Adam sit in a booth, planning the next trip.

"We'd need to leave at about 6 in the morning to get there in time for TV" Adam says, sorting out the schedule details

"Yeah, ok" Jay mumbles, staring around the happily buzzing bar, watching people laugh

"You aren't even listening, are you?"

"Of course I am"

"What time did we need to leave then?"

"When you wake me up" Jay grins

Adam slaps Jay over the back of his head. "We need to sort this if we want to go anywhere"

"I'm thinking about moving here" Jay sighs

"No your not"

"Yes I am"

"You're delusional"

"I'm not"

"You'll miss your beach runs and tanning too much, you'll stay in Florida"

"Oh fuck off"

"Sorry I'm so late, day got away from me" I greet Jay and Adam, puffing but smiling, kissing Jay quickly. "What we drinking? The old usuals? Well, Tennessee version anyway"

"Sounds good" Jay answers, staring up at me with heart eyes

I look over at Adam who hasn't looked up. "Jay, can you give us a moment?" I frown

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