Sera's Happy Ever After

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"I wish you told me earlier" Sera exclaims over the phone

"You can't have finalised everything, there has to be possibility to add a chair and meal" I say with a sigh and a plea

"No, there isn't"

"Well he's coming"

"You weren't even supposed to have a plus one" she yells and gasps

"What?" I exclaim, blinking

"That didn't come out right"

"Oh, I think that's exactly what you meant"

"No, it just wasn't expected or planned for"

"Oh come on!"

"But there's no room, everything is done"

"Would you rather I sit on his lap, while we feed each other, looking more in love than you and Phil?"

"No, and that's not possible. Phil and I are the most loved up couple ever"

"Get Adam a chair and a meal, or I'll prove you wrong" I finish, hanging up.

The week goes by slowly, we head to Chicago on Thursday morning in order to celebrate Sera's last day of not being married with a male strippers and drinks all round kind of bachelorette party. She is much more of an alcohol lightweight since being with Phil. Bloody Straightedge lifestyle. But still it was lots of fun.

It's about four in the morning when we get back to the hotel.

"Thanks for coming up here guys" Sera slurs before letting out a huge burp.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" Kim replies, also burping, but much louder

We laugh.

"I can't marry him" Sera cries and passes out, landing in a curled up ball in front of her hotel room door.

I shake her awake. "You will marry him and you will live happily ever after. One of us has to"

"Has to what? Marry Phil?" Kim asks

"No, have an uncomplicated happily ever after" I stare up at her

"But I don't love him like I used to" she cries, folding her arms around her head, on her knees.

"You are just stressing about the wedding. Once that's over, you'll be all loved up again, having crazy sex on your honeymoon. Trust me on that" I plead with her

She stares up with me with pure fury, tears rolling down her cheeks. "What would you know about that? You have been back and forward with the same guys and multiple one night stands in the past couple of years. You only think you know it because that's your job. You don't know how a real serious relationship works or what it's like. If you're not hooking up with some guy, you're getting drunk and high. So tell me, Zoe, how do you know that's how it's going to be?" she yells at the top of her lungs, waking up angry people in the rooms around us.

I want to hit her, destroy that perfect little face of hers, just for being right. Before I do something I know I'll regret, I get up from my crouching positioning and walk away, down the hallway and press the button for the lift. "I don't know" I say as I stare back at her before stepping into the fancy hotel lift.

It's cold for this time of year, up on the roof of the fancy hotel. But this cold breeze is the nicest thing I've felt in a long time. Up here, I am on top of the world. I grabbed the biggest bottle of Nighttrain before heading up here, from a liquor store on the corner. My phone has been going off constantly, all calls being ignored and going to voicemail. I can't talk to anyone right now. No one. I must have been up here for an hour now.

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