Dancing With The Enemy

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Oh, Fuck! Yes!

Christmas in Florida. Never thought I'd ever have that. A warm Christmas. It's just what I wanted to escape. But here I am again. Why am I naked.

"Oh god" I complain, holding my head, it hurts to open my eyes

"Morning" Adam stretches beside me

Well there's a positive. It didn't get too stupid if it's him next to me. It's 7am the clock shines next to me, forcing my eyes open. Glancing down, there's an empty vodka bottle.

"Did I do something last night?" I ask, mouth dry

"You woke up screaming, then you went out for a drive to the store"

"Oh, that explains the vodka"

"We had sex when you got back, it was quick and rough. You don't remember it?"

"I don't remember anything. I remember saying 'night' and going to sleep"

"Well, Merry Christmas. You might want to talk to your therapist about that"

"I will"

He reaches under the bed and pulls out a large wrapped gift, handing it to me. "Open it"


"Yeah, it's Christmas morning, why not?"

"I'm not sure if I'm still buzzed"

"Just open it" he groans with an eye roll

"Fine, but you have to open yours" I contest, reaching for my bag, head spinning and handing him a small box

"You first"

"Ok..." I say, and begin ripping at the paper. Inside is a guitar case with a note, 'for inspiration'. I look at him, and he looks giddy. "What have you done?"

"Open it" he insists, practically bouncing

I unlock all the buckles and open the lid. Inside is a guitar I saw on MTV and in live footage from less than a decade ago. "How did you get this?"

"Auction, I had some money left over from my pay per view win, and knew you'd appreciate it"

"Cobain's Strat, I know exactly where this is going in the... um. I can't believe you got this" I say in disbelief and nearly revealing part of the new place. "Now open yours"

He does and under the paper is what looks like a ring box. "You didn't need to get me a ring, I got you that. We'll sort out our ones when we set a date"

"I know, just open it"

Inside is a single key. "I already have a key to your apartment"

"Not anymore"

He looks at me with a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"The apartment is Kim's now. This is a key to the new place, it's an actual house. I found a place"

"You found a place?"

"Yeah, I found a place"

"Wow, ok. So when you said..."

"Yeah, I meant it. We actually are getting out of her hair. I obviously don't expect you to pack up your stuff here and move, this way there's no sneaking around when you are there"

"Like we were ever sneaking around" he jokes

I laugh at that, "I know"

"This is brilliant" he smiles

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