Cover Up

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Adam wakes to the morning light. He had only slept for a handful of hours but it was the best sleep he had gotten in what feels like a lifetime. Zoe is still asleep, her head between his pec and shoulder, perfect viewing position. He can't move, but why would he want to? He had wanted this for so long, he had even put a wedge between his best friend and her, urging them to break up for his own pleasure. She was meant to be his, and his only. That is the only plan, the only way he sees it. Gosh, she's so peaceful. The mornings are so calm, he thinks as he rakes back the blonde strands from her face. A small smile on her face followed by a sigh. They will pick up from where they left off, he still has the ring, she told him to keep it for when they next got this chance. He told her he would move then, he would move now. Anything to keep this morning going. Oh, she's waking up.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask, not yet opening my eyes to the morning light. Something or someone had been staring at me, that feeling of being watched waking me.

"No" Adam replies, bringing my lips to his, fingers at my chin. "Good morning" he whispers

"Good morning" I smile, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, our noses touching

"I need to get going in a few hours" Adam mumbles with sad hazel eyes

"No, don't go"

"You can come to the show on Monday"

"And then you stay here"

"You'll have to kick me out" he laughs

"I can't come to the show, I don't have a ticket"

"You really think that matters? I'll sneak you through the back with me"

"Fine but we need to clean up first"

"And I'll stay forever"

We kiss as his hand glides down my side, bringing my leg up around his hip and clutching my ass.

"We might need to be more careful in the future" Adam mentions, examining the reddening hickey on his neck in the small bathroom mirror. There's scratches on his back and more marks across his shoulders. The cool weather in Canada used to keep these at bay when they were together before, but now in the heat, less likely to go away.

"Just put some concealer on it" I laugh, proud of my handy work, watching him from the bathroom door.

"Which one is that?" Adam frowns, looking through the cupboards

"I'll sort it for you" I grin, grabbing it from my old makeup bag

"You proud of yourself?" he asks, grinning at me, his arms wrapping themselves around my waist to hold me close

"I am. Marking you as mine. How dare you say I have to be careful about it in the future?" I reply in a smug tone

"If my job didn't involve television, you could cover me with marks permanently"

I kiss him quickly and begin coving the red marks on his neck and shoulders. "It's a good thing we have similar enough skin tone, or this would not work" I mutter as I cover up the third one, my face focused

"Yeah" Adam whispers, watching with a small smile

My eyes shift to look at his, a smile forming on my face. "What?"

"Nothing, just enjoying myself" Adam grins, his eyes smiling

"Well quit it, it's distracting" I laugh, "also, you'll have to loosen your grip if I'm going to get to the ones near your ribs and hips"

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