Maybe This Is Too Much?

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It wasn't hard to find dealers, the drug of choice here was either pot or ecstasy.

"Hey gorgeous" a drunk guy shouts across the road, whistling and grabbing his crotch.

"Fuck off" I shout back, giving him the middle finger as I light up the perfectly rolled up pot

It's drizzling now, hookers line the street corners and strip club neon lights light the way down the dark alleys. Welcome to Seattle.

My phone rings, Adam's name flashes. Heart in my throat watching it ring. Letting it ring 4 times before I click answer and placing it to my ear. I haven't heard his voice since the Christmas voicemail, although I have played it many times since.

"Hi" I answer, blowing smoke into the cool air

"Oh, hi" Adam says, surprise in his tone.

"Didn't think I'd answer?"

"A bit"

"The thought crossed my mind. How are you?"

He frowns, looking over his shoulder to his sleeping date, naked in his bed. He shouldn't be doing this, he knows this. Calling his ex like this. "Yeah, okay. How are you?"

"Yeah, okay" I answer, not thinking

Silently, he moves out of bed and into the kitchen, closing the bedroom door behind him. "No broken hearts yet, then?" he asks, pouring himself a drink

"No, not yet. You'll be the first to know" I laugh, "how was your day?"

"Went out to dinner"

"I hope you paid"

"Of course I did. How was your day?"

"Went to a gig"

"Oh fun"

"Yeah it was" I smile into the phone

"Who'd you see?"

"Green Day"

"Oh fuck off"

"Alright, bye" I laugh, moving the phone away from my face so he can't hear my breath



"Was the gig good?" Adam asks, sipping on his scotch, looking over to the hallway. The house remains dark and still.

"Was very good"

"I'm jealous. Where is he now?"

"Probably still asleep in the hotel" I shrug, watching the smoke rings fade, "how about your date?"

"Asleep in bed"

"Isn't that where you should be, Adam?" I ask, heart cracking at the thought of someone else in his bed. Why does my heart still want to be there with him?

"Weird how I end up talking to you at the end of the day, especially on a day like this"

"We hadn't talked in a while" I comment

"Still weird though"

"It is" I say

There's silence for a few moments

"What was the voicemail I left on Christmas?" he asks

"I'm not telling you, that's mine to keep"

"You kept it?" Adam asks, coughing on the dark liquid

"Maybe, it gives me a laugh at the end of a tough day" I laugh

His eyes roll. "I'm glad I can still do that. What are you doing at the moment?"

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