Down With The Sickness

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3am the front door slams. Jay, Terry and Chris are stumbling down the hallway, yelling. Adam raises his head slightly from the sticky leather sofa, where we have slept with a blanket over us, covering our naked bodies from the world. He decides to ignore the commotion being caused elsewhere in the house, falling back asleep. 3 bangs followed, indicating they have all passed out somewhere.

The distinct scent of vomit wakes me at 5am. There's a flashback that is not welcome. Chris is passed out close to us, having moved there some point during the night. I do not miss that smell in the morning, or feeling like they do. Left that behind. Yep, left that life behind.

It is dark still, I am not used to this. It's usually bright by now at this time of year. This is my life now. I'll go back to sleep on this man that loves me. Shit.

It's 11am when the house decides to wake up. I was able to sneak to the bathroom with the blanket wrapped around myself without anyone else, especially Terry, waking up. Adam followed holding himself, almost tripping over Chris.

Jay is brewing coffee, looking zombified in his boxers, as I head to the kitchen for my cup of tea, wearing jeans and a bra.

"Well, you've seen better days" I comment as he glared at me, bags under his eyes

He grunts, pouring his coffee. "And how are the lovebirds this morning?"

"Don't say that" I laugh

He smiles, regretting it instantly

"You need some of these" I smile, passing him some pain killers

"Thank you" he groans, pulling me in for a hug

"You stink of vomit" I complain

"Deal with it" he laughs, releasing me and taking the pain killers

"Where'd you go last night?" I ask, waiting for the tea to brew

"Couple of clubs, let off a bit of steam"

"Meet anyone?"

"No, god no. People that go out on Christmas night only want to let off steam"

More memories make me shiver. "Yeah I know the sort" I mumble

"What?" he asks, missing what I said

"Oh nothing. I hope you had fun" I smile, taking my tea to another room

We rest and play in the fresh snow for the day.

The next day, I'm back to work, same with the guys.  Everyone is back to work, back to our usual lives.

New Year's Eve comes and goes like Christmas, only quicker. Welcomed in the new year with alcohol, fireworks and lots of food.

A couple weeks into the new year, I find an apartment to live out the rest of my days in Canada. Ok, maybe not rest of my days, but I'm out of the hotel room. I give Adam a key, things are going well. At least until I get a flu anyway.

"Hey, where are ya?" Adam calls

"Hey sweetie, I'm in bed"

"Are you okay? You don't sound well"

"I just got a flu, so I won't be down at the gym today"


"Sweetie, don't get worried about it. I got some stuff to help get me better from the chemist down the road, so don't worry"

"Get well soon"

"I will"

"Love you"

"I know" I finish, smiling with an aching face and hang up

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