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Christmas. What a glorious holiday. I'm alone in the apartment. Kim has traveled to spend it with John in Boston, Sera is settling in with Phil in Chicago, and my loves are... no my love is... in Florida. Just the one. Fuck. Yes, Jay is in Florida, likely with Adam, but that's where Jay is, the one I love. I spend the day like any other, with a drink in hand as I light up a cigarette. I haven't had any coke, heroin or pot. I haven't spiraled yet. I still have will to live. As slim as that will may be. I've decided I don't wish to be contacted for the day, unplugging the home phone and turning off my cell.

"Zoe not coming down?" Judy asks Adam as she gets there

"I'm not with her anymore, I told you that" Adam frowns at his mum

"Sorry, I do forget sometimes"

"She's with Jay now" Adam shrugs, bringing in her bags

"Is she? I did think they had something that Christmas" Judy comments

"Mum, don't"

"What? Can't I comment on what I observe? She was very friendly with him"

"She tried to be friendly with you too, mum"

"I'm so glad you aren't with her anymore. You're better for it"

Adam rolls his eyes at her. "If you say so, mum"

"Merry Christmas, miss you" Jay texts after just getting my voicemail.

"So, how have you been, son?" Randy asks, demanding Jay's attention

"Yeah, good dad. You?"

"Same old, you mother driving me crazy" Randy laughs

Jay laughs and looks at his phone again, no message back.

"It's a girl, isn't it?"

"No" Jay laughs

"Who is she?"


"Carol, come talk some sense into your boy" Randy yells out

"What's going on?" Carol smiles, having enjoyed the sunshine

"Nothing mum, I'll continue with the food, you guys just relax" Jay sighs

"Randy, leave him be, come get some sunshine while we are here" Carol insists, grabbing the aging man by the forearm, dragging him outside. "You tell us when you're ready, dear" she smiles at Jay

"I take it they don't know" Adam smiles, slapping Jay over the back of the head, as he reaches into the fridge for a couple of beers

"Not that I know of" Jay answers, rubbing his head, grabbing a beer as Adam passes it to him

"Mum said she wasn't surprised" Adam shrugs, glaring at Jay as he drinks some beer, "she thinks you two had something for each other back then"

"We were friends. We were simply close" Jay say, defensively

"So you never?"

"No, waited until you guys split" Jay smuggling confirms, lying through his teeth. He still thinks about their first kiss, she had submitted to him that Friday, it was only going to be a matter of time before she was his. The feeling of her thumb as she wiped the gloss off his lips. He doesn't even like strawberry, but on her, it was perfect. Then the week in her apartment, the urge to destroy her every moment, but the kiss at the end felt right. Then the party right after the move, Adam still doesn't know. His little party girl.

"Good" Adam smiles

"He's what?" Carol screams, shocked at the allegation that Judy has just told her about Jay's dating life

"Oh, I like her" Randy smiles, enjoying a beer in the sun

"I think mum's told them" Adam laughs, motioning to the sound of Carol's shriek

"Fuck" Jay mutters, quickly finishing his beer

"Good luck" Adam says, giving him another slap, walking away

"Can you stop doing that?" Jay yells

"Part of my Christmas present to myself"



"Love you too buddy" Jay laughs, giving Adam the middle finger

"William" Carol yells from outside

"Shit" Jay mutters, grabbing another beer, panic rising

"Hi everyone" Jay greets, passing his mum a glass of champagne, anything to get them on side

"So, you're dating Zoe, now?" Carol smiles, taking the flute of bubbly liquid from Jay

"Yeah" Jay sighs, hoping there isn't a lecture coming, though he can feel it

"I thought she was dating Adam?"

"She was, then they split up and I asked her out" he shrugs. Keep it casual.

"I like her, she has a good sense of humour. You don't get that much these days" Randy says, winking at Jay

"Engaged to Adam" Judy interjects

"They weren't going to do the long distance thing, and I think I can with her. I really like her" Jay defends

"Do you love her?" Carol asks, unable to look at her son

"Yeah, I do"

"You really think you can do the long distance relationship? You've got that trust, love and commitment. It's really strange not to spend Christmas together for starters" Carol continues

"I got this, mum. We've got this" Jay reassures them with as much confidence he can muster in the moment. The truth is, he doesn't know if he does fully trust Zoe, but he needs to. She did willingly kiss him while dating Adam, how far would she had gone if he tried. How much of a slut was she really?

"That's my boy" Randy smiles, patting Jays shoulder as he heads inside for another drink.

Jay follows his dad back inside, checking his phone as he does. Still no message back.

They enjoy their Christmas feast, laughing and catching up over food and drinks, until late in the evening.

"I do like her, she's sweet. Long distance can be hard, I just want you to remember that" Carol mutters, hugging Jay goodbye that night at the front door

"Love you too, mum" Jay smiles into her greying hair

"Come out with us" Chris begs

Adam is out the door, excited for the night out, his tight jeans on and leather jacket completing his outfit. "Come on, she won't mind. She used to do it for work" Adam yells out

Jay has been laying on the sofa since everyone left, waiting for a message, a call, anything from Zoe. Just to show she got his message and she is thinking of him too.

"Dude, seriously" Chris sighs

"Fine, let me get my jacket" Jay says, giving into his friends

The three of them head to the clubs, spending their Christmas bonus on lap dances and cheap alcohol. It felt like old times, before any girls came between them, and they were all starting out on the indie scene.

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