The L Word

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"Hey, I've been able to get Valentine's Day off" Adam says with a smile as I get ready for work

"Lucky you, I'm working a double that day"

"You're kidding?"

"No, we are booked out. All hands on deck"

"But I had plans for us" he sighs, falling back on my bed

"We'll celebrate when I get off work, it'll be fine" I confirm, frowning as I struggle to find my boots. "I never saw the big deal in it anyway. Valentine's Day was constantly a mess for me"

"Why? It's a holiday"

"The lead up is a nightmare, why must love only be celebrated on one day? It's a Hallmark holiday"

"You just used the L word"

"I did, didn't I?" I tease, having not yet told him how he gives me butterflies. I still have guilt driving me crazy from a few weeks ago when Jay stayed over. I do love Adam though, and that's why I feel guilty.

"Think I'll just talk to your boss, sort out an arrangement"

"He won't take kindly to it"

"He's Canadian, it'll be fine"

So maybe Adam is more persuasive than I gave him credit for. I don't know what he told Mick, but I'm not working Valentine's Day, or the day after now.

"Come, I'm whisking you away" Adam grins from the front seat of his car, outside my apartment on early February 14th.

"Where are we going?" I ask, struggling to take anything seriously, as I get into the front seat

"It's a surprise" he laughs, winking as gets us on the highway

"I knew it, I've fallen for a serial killer, you're going to dump me in the woods, aren't you?" I joke

"Don't give me any ideas"

"Oh, I love you" I let slip

"Hmm, what?"


"What'd you just say?"

"That you're going to dump me in the woods"

"No, after that"


He just smiles, grabbing my hand in his, raising it to his lips. "I love you too"

We hold each other's fingers the rest of the drive, singing to the radio.

A little over an hour later, we arrive at Niagara Falls. The place is busy with tourists, even early in the day.

"Beautiful, ain't it?" Adam says as we stand on the bridge next to the Falls, just getting a moment to ourselves

"Yeah, amazing"

"Happy Valentine's Day"

"Happy Valentine's Day"

We kiss in front of the beautiful scenery, before heading to the local café for lunch. We walk around the natural park before feeling like we need the comfort of a hotel room bed beneath us instead of the cold wet grass.

Adam pulls out a plastic shopping bag full of ingredients. "I'm going to cook for you" he announces



"What are you cooking?"

"Beef stroganoff"

"Oh, sounds yummy"

"That's what I'm hoping"

"Have you cooked this before?"


"Was it good?"

"No, complete disaster. Second time's the charm right?"


40 minutes later we are sitting at the candlelight at the table, eating the dinner.

"This is really good" I say

"Thanks, I'm glad it turned out right"


"You surprised of me?"

"Honestly, yeah I am"

"Thanks, anyways I being taking some lessons in the past couple of weeks from Jay and some other guys on the road. The first go might've been a disaster, but I try" he shrugs, eating

"You're so sweet" I smile, "I love you"

"I love you too" he grins, smile hitting his eyes

We spend the night watching bad horror movies on the hotel television.

"I'm trying to watch this" Adam frowns as I straddle him on the bed

"It's scary, need you for comfort" I sulk, stroking his bare chest

He turns the movie volume up. "So scary" he bites out

"And you're so big and strong" I whisper into his ear, kissing his jawline

The light from the television shines on his devilish grin. There he is.

"I need you to protect me, Adam" I breathe, kissing him lightly, his lips plump, pupils dilating

"You're so beautiful" he sighs, his kiss deep with need

The movie stays on as we scream each other's names, our bodies rocking, sweating.

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