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Friday we have a going away party for Rebecca. It was formal. Everything with her is formal. Limits on alcohol and food. Dress codes. Can abolish all of those as of Monday. Parties will be fun again, secrets will be released and people will be fucked. Literally.

"Do you still love Adam?" Jay asks as we stroll hand in hand that lunch time

"Where did that question come from?" I ask, frowning

"I'm just asking. You two hadn't seen each other in a while until the other night, I just want to be sure about us" Jay rambles, holding my hand tight, "So, do you still love him?"

Yes, we need his tongue inside again

"No, of course not. There'll always be a spot for him in my heart, but that love is just friend love now. Just like my friend love for Chris, and Terry, and Kim, Sera, Joe and Mark" I answer, giving him as much information as possible.

"So not romantic?"

"No, not romantic love. That is saved for you"

"Good" Jay smiles, bringing my hand to his lips, kissing it sweetly

"Don't doubt it again, if I am with you, it is only you" I smile, pulling his face down to mine and kissing him gently

My phone buzzes with a message from Rebecca. 'Need you here for final approvals'

"I need to go" I sigh, reading the message

"We haven't ate yet" Jay complains

"We'll get dinner somewhere nice, my treat"

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I reply, taking his tongue in mine, needing to convince him. Convince me.

"I was on lunch" I growl at Rebecca, entering the office

"You can say goodbye to your lunch dates with friends, partners and family soon. Sign these so we can get a move on" Rebecca sighs, her head in his hand and cigarette in her other

"I'm pretty sure this could've waited another 10 minutes" I say, flipping through the pages, signing each as I go. "What are these for anyway?"

"It's just to make sure the roles are as they should be for Monday"

"As they should be?" I question

"Yes, as they should be"

"Right, to make sure I still answer to you, blah blah blah" I smile, "anything else I need to sign? Feel like that's all I've done around here"

"Not yet. You still okay with the decision?"

"I'm fine with it, Rebecca. Are you okay? You seem to be questioning it a lot"

"I didn't see myself moving, so it's a big thing for me"

"It was your idea, not mine" I snarl, finishing the paperwork

"You had moved for this job, you make it look so easy" she goes on, "I've never had to really do anything like this"

"This is your chance to prove yourself, Rebecca. Bring the vision to life, and be everything for this place" I grin, hitting her desk, making the point made

"I've given many years to this place"

"I know. And it's not easy to move for a job. It's easier when you aren't leaving a life behind" I painfully squeak, eyes fogging up

"You gave up something wild for this, didn't you?" she asks, noticing the change in my voice

"Just young love, but there's plenty of that. It's what we sell" I smile, blinking away any betraying tears that want to make their way through

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