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"Right okay, we got this" Jay mutters to himself as he stands at Zoe's front door at 7:30 that morning, his feelings have now been laid bare and accepted. He knocks, feeling jittery in his jeans, vintage looking tshirt and leather jacket. He wants to hold himself back, have them awake all night. He's not sure if that's what will happen when he sees her. The day is planned. The day is planned.

"Oh, hey" I say, answering the door

"You ready?" he asks

"Does it look like I'm ready"

"No, not exactly"

"Come in. I'm waiting for Kim to get out the shower"

He comes in and shuts the door behind him.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask, feeling the urge to strip him of his carefully put together outfit

"It's a surprise"

"I don't like surprises" I tell him

"You'll like this one"

"How do you know?"

"I just do" he grins, with a know-it-all tone in his voice

"Okay then" I smile up at him, grabbing his hands, pulling him close. "I missed you"

"I missed you too. I called and you weren't around"

"Work's been kicking my ass"

"Really?" Jay frowns, his face close

"Yeah" I say, pulling his face down to mine, claiming his lips.

"Please get ready" he moans

"I need to shower, shower with me"

"That's an idea I can get on board with. But just a quickie"

I frown at him. There's been nothing for a month and now it's just a quickie. "What do you have planned for us, Mr Reso?"

"I'm going to show you the world" he smiles cheekily at me, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me towards the bathroom

I knock on the door, staring into Jay's pale blue eyes. "Kim, you nearly done?" I yell

The water turns off a second later.

Jay pins me against the wall in the hallway, his intentions to hold off until later have gone out of the window. The fire is too hot. This is a need now. The kisses aren't enough.

A few minutes later, Kim finishes in the bathroom, walking quickly to her room. "All yours" she shouts over her shoulder

"Excellent, let's get dirty" Jay growls, carrying me into the bathroom

"Oh yes" I celebrate, trying to pull off my clothing on the way

The steam filled room, hot water falling on our sticky, wanting bodies. Legs wrapped tightly around his chiseled hips as he thrusts deeply. Scratches up his back, bite marks on my neck.

"Oh god, Jay!" I shout, groaning from the back on my throat, as the wave washes over me

"Yes, Zoe. Oh fuck" he moans, biting my shoulder, pumping furiously

His bottom lip bleeds slightly from the signs of my teeth. I couldn't help it, he tastes too good.

"I love you" he breathes, smiling, finished

"I love you too" I reply, kissing his swollen lip

Taking my hand in his as we leave my apartment, he brings it to his lips, kissing it lightly.

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