Back Behind The Bar

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It's the morning of my first shift and I wake up with a small hangover after spending the day practicing drink making, followed by drinking those drinks. Probably shouldn't have done that. I almost forgot what a hangover felt like, after using other drugs for years to avoid the dreaded next day feeling. Those drinks were awesome though.

I rake my brain for my old tricks on how to sober up quick and get over hangovers quick. Ice bath and cook up. Curse this room for not having a bathtub. The only other option is to sweat it out. To the gym I go.

The guys are down in the USA for telly taping and other live events, so it's quieter today. Just the music playing and me, really. There was some other people there, but were part of a class. I feel slightly less hangovery after the workout and decide to grab some waffles from the café Adam took me to. They looked so fluffy, I haven't stopped thinking about them. I got them without bacon though.

I get to the pub on time and start memorising the menu with its prices. Everyone seems lovely there, I assume it's because it's my first day there and they are hiding their true selves. But they do actually seem nice.

The chef on duty that day was Stan and he is very nice to look at. Tattooed, slim and short hair, he reeked of bad boy. We got along straight away.

"So you single, new girl?" he asked, a sparkle in his eye

"Uhh, no" I answer, having to break his glare

"It complicated?" he frowns

"It's new, fresh" I answer

"That's such a cute accent" he laughs as he sets up

"It's Australian and it's not great"

"You haven't been here long have you?"

"No, only a handful of weeks"

"So is your boyfriend fine with you stripping?"

"Yeah" I squeak

"He doesn't know do he?"

"No, he doesn't, and he doesn't need to, yet"

"What if he comes in on a Friday or Saturday night and sees you?"

"Then he will be confused and I'll say, oh yeah, I also strip for this place"

"Does he know you have a job here?"

"Yeah, but I said I am just a bartender"

He laughs. It's 4pm and the doors open to the public. "Looks like it's time to get started, talk to you later"

"Alright, see ya"

He goes into the back to the kitchen and I get behind the bar to get ready to serve some drinks.

One of the first people I see come through the entrance doors is Terry.

"Hey sweetcheeks"

"Hey Terry, didn't you have television taping to do tonight?"

"Nah, not me. No match or promo so I came back home for a night"

"Oh so what can I get ya?"

"Just an Alpine Lager"

"In a bottle or a pint?"


"Coming up" I say and head over to the tap. I fill up the pint glass with the beer and take it back to him. 

"So this is where you work now?"

"Yep, it is"

"You gonna be doing the Friday and Saturday night specials?"

"What specials?"

"Well"  he starts explaining but looking at me like I don't know what he's talking about

"Yes, I am. I'm going to be swinging on a pole with little clothing on"

"Sweet" he says with a cheeky grin

"Wipe that grin off your face"

"Fine, fine"


The shift goes by with people buying burgers, steaks, beers and different cocktails. I'm so glad I practiced yesterday.

"You're really good at this job" Terry mentions, sipping on his second pint and eating the chips that he ordered


"Have you told Adam that you'll be doing the specials?"

"No, I haven't, well not yet"

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Nope, if he comes in while I'm working them, then I'll tell him"

"You got it planned out then"

"Yeah,  but until then, it's our little secret"

"Ok, but what do I get out of this?"

"If you tell Adam, I'll stop wearing tight bottoms to the gym"

"Oh you drive a hard bargain. Can I tell the other guys?"


"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut"

"You promise?" I ask, looking at him in his dark eyes

"I promise" he says and crosses his heart. "I'll miss your sweetcheeks too much"

"Good" I smile at him, wiping down the bar

"You've done this before?"

"Done what before?"

"This. Worked in a bar"

"Yeah, back in Australia"

"So you were a bartender in Australia?"

"Yeah, for a year or so. Loved it"

"What other jobs have you worked as?"

"Umm, match making"


"Yeah, not something I recommend unless you like cash"

"I'll drink to that" he grins, drinking his beer 

11pm comes along and I'm tired. I want to go back to the hotel room, collapse of the bed and sleep. We had a really good dinner shift. Lots of tips around, lots of money in the till, lots of full bellies and lots of smiles.  James, the night shift bartender, walks in, and I am out of here.

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