The Band Starts Playing

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Adam headed back to work in the new year, and I head back to Tennessee.

"So, how was it all, Christmas and New Years with them? Especially you know who" Kim asks as I drop my bags and collapse on the sofa in the apartment

"Exhausting. His mum still hates me, I went on a bender on Christmas night, I have the worst tattoo from it, and I had hot bathroom sex with Jay"

"You what?"

"Which part? Because it's all pretty terrible"

"I'm curious about the tattoo, I'm more worried about cheating on Adam"

"I figured. Adam doesn't know, Denise doesn't know, and she is lovely by the way. It's a fucking mess, literally"

"So what you going to do?" she asks, sitting on the other chair in the living room

"I don't know, I'm just glad I've told someone" I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling weight lifted off my shoulders, rolling onto my back, looking up at the dirty ceiling

"You obviously couldn't tell me on the phone"

"Gosh no, there was people. And then I got drunk and high"

"So a regular Christmas?"

"Pretty much. How was yours?"

"Fine. Went out. Called Sera. Thanks for the place by the way. I'm probably going to sell it"

"You can do what you want. I just need to get my stuff out"

"Well yeah"

"How is Sera?"

"Good. They're trying for a kid"

"Fucking hell"

"That's my thought too. So let's see the tattoo"

I show her the nearly healed scripture.

"That's so bad" she laughs

"You see why I need to get it fixed now. I haven't even shown Adam"

"So you've kept massive things from him this season?"

"Pretty much"

"You can't keep lying to him. How'd he feel about your bender?"

"Glad I didn't die, and I'm not lying. I'm covering my tracks" I shrug

"Because that's what you want in a future husband, someone that's glad you aren't dead"

"If that's what I'm assigned, then I'm happy. We're getting married in fall by the way. We figured that out, so it's a three month window. Maybe October, start of November"

"So we've got ten months to get it sorted"

"Yep" I finish, heading to what was my room, forgetting I left it in a mess

Kim follows. "I haven't touched anything, that way you can sort it"

"Cheers" I smile at her

"Do you need any furniture from the shared areas?"

"No, I'm buying new stuff. All that stuff was secondhand, unless you purchased it"

"How about your bed?"

"New one too. There's too much bad history in there" I say, whispering the last part

"You really are starting fresh then?"

"As fresh as I can without leaving the people behind. So where you going to go?"

"I'll find something. There's some nice places closer to work"

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