Toronto Birthdays

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I spent the week leading up to Adam's birthday at work and wedding dress shopping. I don't know why I still bothered with dress shopping, to wear it on a day that won't actually be us getting married. I was already legally his, and he was mine. If it wasn't for his mother, my mother-in-law, I would say no to this.

However, it is his birthday. I had booked us flights and tickets to see the Maple Leafs live in Toronto. This would be my first time back up to Canada since the move, how I have missed it.

"I'm whisking you away" I smiled down at him, as I straddled him that morning, the day before his birthday.

"Where to?" Adam asked, smiling, and staring up at me

"Just pack something warm, and your passport"

"Should I trust your plans?"

"I think you can trust your wife. Just a little getaway"

"I look forward to it"

"What are you doing taking me back home?" Adam asks with his bag and boarding pass in hand

"It's a surprise" I reply, smiling up at him in the busy terminal

"But you hate surprises"

"I hate receiving surprises. I like surprising other people"

"That's hardly fair"

"Too bad, you married this. It's your 28th birthday tomorrow, let me celebrate you" I say, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

"You are lucky I love you" Adam laughs as we head towards the plane

There was a familiar chill in the air as we got off the plane that day. The terminal still looked the same. The last time I was here, I was leaving all of Canada behind. It was the plane there that we had fallen in love. I was tempted not to leave this time round. Janet was quiet here. I drove us to the Travelodge, having booked a room for us for the next few nights.

"This is a walk down memory lane" Adam commented as we arrived at the hotel

"Why shouldn't we go back in time for a few days? This is where we started" I smile, turning the ignition off for the rental car.

"You know we can't actually do that"

"I know" I sigh, and grab my bag from the back

The room was the same as when I checked in those years ago. The memories of opening the door to Adam's devilish grin when we first started dating. Everything back then was perfect.

"So, what is the plan?" Adam asks, falling onto the bed. The memories of before flooding back.

"I need to pay a visit to the old stomping ground, and tomorrow we are heading out" I reply, closing the room door before climbing onto the old mattress to where he lays.

"As in?"

"Hansby Loop, yes"

"That was such a good place" Adam smiles

"It's where I said yes" I say, smiling down at him as I straddle his bulging jeans

He reaches up for my face, cupping it in his hands as he brings my lips to his. Any concern of coming back here gone. A low moan escaping his throat as he licks the roof of my mouth.

"I love you, Adam" I whisper against his lips, my shirt ripped from my body

"I love you too, Zoe" he replies, sitting up to take his own shirt off

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