A Kiss, That's All

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It's Friday. It's just gone 1am in the morning. Or that's what the clock says when there's banging on the door. I got back from my shift less than 2 hours ago, smelling on booze and oil. I had fallen on the bed in my tshirt and underwear, exhausted after the Thursday pub special meant we were packed. I thought I was dreaming the knocks after trying to go back to sleep, when it happened again.

Opening the door, sleepy eyed, and swooped into the arms of a strong blonde Canadian.

"I missed you" he groans, holding me tight as his lips smash against mine, a desperate plea for touch

Returning the favor with my tongue, I moan at his taste. "I missed you too"

Dropping his bag inside my room and closing the door with his foot, it is the bed he aims for.

"Fuck me, Adam" I demand

His cheeky grin had a touch of evil at that point. A devilish grin. "Oh yeah"

"There he is" I mumble, grabbing a handful of his tshirt, pulling him on top of me

We wake at 10am, naked and tangled in the sheets.

"There's a fry in your hair" he frowns, pulling at a lone chip that got caught in my hair during the clean up last night at the pub

"Oh, thanks"

"Big night?" he asks, holding me close

"Yeah, very busy, but good. How was your work?"

"Good, some good crowds. Still glad to be back in bed with you instead of back of the car trying to sleep on the road between shows"

"When are you back on the road?"

"A few days"

"Gosh, that sucks" I complain, pouting up at him

He smiles and kisses me lightly, pinching my chin. "You working tonight?"

"Yeah, until 11"

"I'll come by for a drink and pick you up"

"You don't have to do that" I smile, urging him not to come by tonight. No, not tonight. Not tomorrow. Any other day, sure. But not now.

"I want to" he smiles, stroking my face


We head to the gym where Terry is already training on the weights.

"Hey man" Adam greets, joining him near the area, casually letting go of my hand as we enter the place

"Hey, good week?"


"Hey sweetcheeks" Terry yells in my direction

"Hey Terry" I greet back, heading to the bathroom to change into my gym wear

"Zoe working today?" Terry asks Adam

"Yeah" Adam replies, setting up the machine

Terry's lips form a thin line. "Brilliant, might stop by for a drink"

"I don't see why not" Adam smile at him then starts his workout

By the end of the workout, Terry had convinced Chris and Jay to also go by there for a drink that night.

"You coming?" Chris asks, as they head to lunch at a burger place down the street

"Nah, I'm good, I'll get something before work"

"Fine, your loss"

"Sure it is Chris"

"Oh it is!" Chris finishes and winks at me

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