We Do

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Evenings are started to get cooler, it is getting darker earlier. Trees are almost bare, the leaves that remained colours of orange. It was a perfect fall day. November 8. I woke up alone in bed after the sun rising, the clock on the bedside shining as just after 9am. I needed to wake up, butterflies filled my insides thinking of the day ahead. Then again, it could've been the alcohol from last night.

Today was a day I needed to plaster a smile on my face and declare love in front of people close to Adam & I. My blood family wasn't going to be there, I honestly prefer that. I don't think I would've slept last night if I knew mother was going to be there today. No, just Adam's mum, Jude. I can handle her, I could do that for Adam.

My lace white dress hung with a veil on the back of the bathroom door, ready to be placed onto my body. Both Sera and Kim stayed the night in other rooms of this too big of a house. Joe was due to get here soon. After finding out my family wasn't turning up, he offered to give me away. I still couldn't believe it, lyrics for 'The One That Got Away' bounced around my head since then. He was too kind to me.

I sat, staring at the dress. All that mattered was I still got Adam at the end of the day. With a sigh, I rose from the thick covers on the bed, stretching and opening the nearby bedroom window that went out onto the balcony. I needed a smoke.

We need more than that, and you know it

We aren't starting my staged wedding day like that, we can just have a cigarette. Maybe a bourbon coffee.

Coke this afternoon, though.

I had hoped Janet would be quiet today. Or quieter than most days. She has the tendency to ruin the good moments. A knock at the bedroom door reminded me I needed to get ready for the day ahead.

"Are you decent?" Joe's voice boomed from the doorframe

"I'm wearing clothes, if that's what you mean" I laugh, tightly holding my robe around my torso

The door swung open and there stood someone I have grown to see as my best friend, a protector, a big brother. "You haven't even started to get ready"

"I'm out of bed, which is honestly a victory in itself" I joke, "can you put the kettle on, or a pot of coffee? Need some caffeine"

"People are going to start arriving soon"

"The show doesn't start until I say so. I am the bride" I say with a sarcastic flare

"I'll get you a coffee and leave you to get yourself ready" Joe laughs, leaving out the room and closing the door behind him

Squashing my cigarette out on the balcony and taking a deep breath. I still don't want to go through with today.

Kylie was doing my makeup and hair when Joe got back with the coffee. She had already finished Sera's and Kim's hair and makeup.

"You look so girly" Joe laughed, handing me the cup

"Oh fuck off" I joked back, taking the cup from him and reaching into my bra for my small bourbon bottle to make the coffee drinkable

"I've just never seen you with all this done before"

"Don't get used to it. Can you grab the earrings from my bedside?" I ask

"The black ones?" Joe confirms, heading towards the table.

"Yeah, Adam got them for me for my birthday. Same person that done our wedding rings"

"Very pretty" Joe laughs, handing them to Kylie to put into my ears as she ties back parts of my hair in pins

"They are gorgeous" Kylie comments, carefully placing the black diamond studs into my ears

Raphael has never failed me, and these earrings continue to show his craftmanship. I wouldn't trust anyone else to bling me up. Adam did good.

It was approaching 2pm, I had kept people waiting for me. Joe was leaning on the doorframe, watching me at the balcony with another cigarette between my glossed lips. Kim and Sera were waiting on the staircase so we can complete our entrances. I was watching the people down below, I could see Adam in his tailored suit and a large smile on his face.

"Are we doing this, or what?" Joe asks with a sigh, looking at his watch

"Yep, let's go" I say after a moment, plastering a smile on my face, putting my cigarette out and grabbing the bouquet of flowers from the bed.

Joe puts his arm out to me, wrapping my hand around his forearm.

I watch as Sera and Kim leave the house and into the courtyard, where people have sat. Adam stands at the end of the aisle with the officiant, bopping on his heels. This will be the third time I've declared my love to him in this sort of setting. Only, more people are here for this one.

"You ready?" Joe asks before we leave the house to walk up the aisle. He must've spotted the panic shadowing my face.

"Always" I smile and grip his arm tight, letting out a deep breath

And so, we walk. Everyone turns to look. My grip gets tighter.

Let's make a run for it.

Then we were at the altar. Adam had organised an arch covered in flowers to be placed in the courtyard for where we were to stand. I pull Joe in for a hug before releasing his arm. Adam and Joe shake hands, before Joe sits next to Cece. Jay stands just behind Adam in a matching tailored suit, expressionless.

"Wow" Adam says with a smile, taking me hand in his

"Wow yourself" I reply, taking in the sight of him filling out the tux.

"Now that the bride has joined us, let us begin" the officiant begins, "is there any objections to this marriage?"

My eyes glance over at Jay, begging that he stay quiet. His expression doesn't faulter. Good to see we've all kept our emotions intact. Everyone remains silent.

I still can't believe we are actually doing this. Again!

"Adam, you may proceed first" the officiant says

"Zoe, I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. To support your dreams and love you until the day I die" Adam says with a large smile, looking down at me, sliding my wedding band back onto my finger.

"And now for you, Zoe" the officiant motions

"Adam, I..." I start, looking up at him, pausing for a moment. That's when I see Jay shift his eyes. "Adam, I love you, and I promise to stand beside you in the good times and bad times, in sickness and in health. To be true to you for as long as I live" I say, smiling into Adam's eyes, sliding his wedding band onto his finger.

"Do you, Adam, take Zoe to be your wife?"

"Yeah, I do"

"Do you, Zoe, take Adam to be your husband?"

"Yes, I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the officiant says as Adam's hands cup my face, kissing me deeply.

Jude claps nearby as people cheer in joy.

Music blasted through the boombox and speakers as champagne flowed. A white tiered cake with vanilla insides had been devoured, the top tier wrapped and in the freezer for an anniversary. We danced with our friends until the early hours of the next morning. The world could finally call me by my name – Mrs Zoe Copeland.  

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