Prove It

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It was Wednesday when I heard from Jay. His name popped up on my Nokia, I was almost afraid to answer it, feeling the guilt from the weekend rise in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm sorry" Jay blurts out the moment I answer, before I can say hi

"Hey, for what?" I ask, taken completely off guard

"Not calling, or messaging you, recently"

"It has been a bit strange, I thought there was something wrong with my phone" I say, lying.

"No, I've just been unwell. And we both know how I hate being around sick people"

"Oh, I remember. You must've hated being the one sick then, unable to get away from yourself"

"The worst, but I should've told you, and for that, I'm sorry"

"Are you better now?"

"All better now, and I miss you so much"

"I miss you too, I haven't seen you in ages"

"Work is taking me everywhere except Tennessee right now, and I hate it"

"What's you next location?" I ask, knowing full well it's Ohio. I've been checking his schedule for the past few months, planning when we would next see each other.

"Ohio, Thursday night"

"Tell Zoe I said hi" Adam shouts in the background

"Oh, Adam says hi" Jay mumbles, forgetting

"I always forget you two travel together"

"He left for here a few days early, couldn't be around me"

"How horrible? Leaving you to battle a sickness on your own"

"Zoe called you an asshole" Jay shouts towards Adam

"You're the asshole" Adam growls at Jay, smiling, teasing

I can picture them now, in their hotel room, getting ready for their next car trip. Oh it makes my insides clench.

"I have to deal with that, constantly. Was kind of glad he left early. How was your weekend anyway? The gigs go good?"

"Gigs were great, fun while they lasted. I just stayed home the rest of the time"

"Miss Barnes, Ms Murray is calling us for a meeting" Lisa's voice booms over the office phone speaker

"Babe, I have to go. I love you, I'll see you soon" I ramble, angrily.

"I love you too" Jay smiles before hanging up

"Well done, you finally told her" Adam laughs

"Did you tell her?" Jay asks, frowning as he puts his shoes on

"She hasn't been answering me, so how can I?"

"That's so weird" Jay sighs with a shake of his head

"Just want to run through the next week with you all before I head off" Rebecca announces to the room with a tight smile.

The room itself is small, and does not fit everyone in it. I stand just outside the doorway, watching the consultants and Rebecca in the room.

"As you know, Miss Barnes will be your manager once I go. What she says goes. When she isn't here, even though she will be, I will be a call away" Rebecca starts

"Why didn't you choose one of us, that's been here for ages?" Tiffany pipes

"Miss Barnes has a track record of running these businesses and has bright ideas for the future. I'm sure you will show the same respect to her as you have for me" Rebecca replies.

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