Gone Too Soon

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"Morning Lisa" I chirp as I enter the office

"Good morning, Miss Barnes"

"How was your evening?"

"Terrible, sleepless night. I need tea, big & strong" I sharply reply, rubbing my temples.

"I'm on it" she says, heading to the kitchen.

I turn my computer on and stare at the pile of files on my desk. As my computer starts up, I follow Lisa to the kitchen. I can't deal with that workload right now. "How was your evening?" I ask Lisa, who's brewing the tea and making her coffee.

"Good. Stressful but good."

"Wedding planning?"

"Yeah, and my future mother-in-law is a pain in the ass"

"Aren't they all?" I joke

"Do you get along with your future mother-in-law?"

I think back to when I met Adam's mother, all that time ago. "Oh she hated me, she thought I was with him for money and fame, as he's a WWF wrestler"

"I thought I recognised him from somewhere"

"Well she's still up in Canada, I believe, and I've only met her once. He hasn't met my parents, they're in Australia still"


"Yeah" I exhale, pouring a splash of milk into my brewed cuppa

"My parents love my fiancé"

"Lucky you"

"Do your parents know that you're engaged?"

"I haven't talked to my parents in a while" I reply, shocked at my revolution. "I should call them at some point" I think aloud

"You definitely should"

We head back to the office area and I stare at the pile of files yet again.

The day goes in a blur of files and vomiting. I think about having a drink, but know that's not the right thing to do. Even though it's so tempting, it's not the right thing to do. I tell myself that all the way home, before opening the fridge door, only to see nothing there.

"Where is it all?" I ask myself, staring at a fridge that contains none of my alcohol.

"We've thrown it out" Kim replies from the sofa, who I haven't even noticed was there.

"Why? And who's we?"

"We as in Adam and I, and because you are pregnant!"

"I do remember that. It's just been a long, horrible day. I think I'm just going to hit the hay"

"Night. Let me know if you need anything"

"Thanks, yeah, night" I say, slamming my bedroom door behind me and changing into my PJs

I awaken a few hours later to a buzzing sound coming from my bag which I dumped onto floor near the bottom of the bed. I crawl, reaching for it.

"Hello..." I answer my phone

"Hey, how you feeling?" Adam's voice comes through the speaker, sending chills down my spine

"Hey, uhh, fine, yeah"


"No, I feel like shit, I wish you were here to make me feel better"

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