Is This It?

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The phone rings late at night, I'm by myself, had a couple of vodkas and think I'm ready for bed having watched a couple of reruns already.

"Hello" I answer, turning the telly down

"Is that Zoe?"

"Yes it is"

"It's Rebecca"

"Rebecca who?"

"Rebecca Murray from the AMMA"

"Oh, hi"

"Everything is set!" Rebecca says, all excited

"Set for what?"

"Set for you to come down here, work for us, everything is set"

"Oh, that, right! Shit" I respond

"You hadn't forgotten, had you?"

"No, of course not. I'm basically packed"

"You fly out on the 29th of August, the Tuesday"


"Is it a good date for you?"

"It's as good as any other date"

"Good, I've posted all the details off to you, so you should get everything in a week or so"


"See you soon!"

I hang up. "FUCK!" I yell, then throw up down my toilet in panic. The ring shines on my finger as I wash my hands and face.

On the way to the gym, the little voice inside my head keeps asking "how are you going to tell him?" Honestly, I don't know how, or when, or have a clue of how he'll react to it.  I don't want to go, I love the life I have... well, had... but it got to a point where it felt like I had to take it.

Man, I hate that little voice inside my head. Wish it decided to be more positive about something. It's always negative and always asking questions that I don't want to answer. Damn it!

I wonder if a long-distance relationship would work. I mean, even before & now, Adam's always on the road so he's never home, and I see him 2 or 3 days a week, usually at the most. It could work out. Can a couple be engaged to each other in a long-distance relationship? Oh this is going to be harder than I thought.

I get to the gym, all the guys are there, with smiles on their faces and laughing. This, this should be my life. "Hey guys" I yawn

"Hey" Chris, Terry & Jay reply

"Hey baby, you look knackered" Adam says and comes up to me

"I didn't get any sleep last night, but I'll be fine" I reply to Adam, rubbing my eyes

"Try and get a good night's rest tonight"

"I will" I say and smile

He kisses me on my forehead and goes back to finish his early morning workout. I start mine at the same time.

A few hours later, Adam, Terry & Chris hit the showers, leaving me & Jay on the machines. Jay makes his way over to me, leaning against the front of mine.

"You feeling okay?" he asks

"No" I reply

"What's bothering you?"

"Who ever said something was bothering me? Maybe it's just tiredness"

"Maybe I can just tell, this is me you're talking to" he sighs, smiling at me and turning my machine off

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