Ice Baths

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Wednesday is here. Finally half way through the week. It starts as any other day, and has the general meetings. Adam gets back today and waits at my car for me to finish work. 

"Oh, I've missed you" I breathe, dropping my bag at our feet and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. 

He wraps his arms around my waist. "I've missed you too" he replies in slight pain

"Tough couple of weeks?"

"You could say that" he smiles and kisses me 

Oh, finally I feel at home

"We've got a bathtub at home, don't we?" he asks as he pulls away

"Yeah, why?"

"Going to need to make a stop on the way home, get some ice"

"Work that bad then?" I sigh, brushing away a loose stand away from his face. The redness of a fresh bruise forming on his temple. 

"I think I cracked something, I just need an ice bath, I'll be fine"

"And you aren't going to the doctors?"

"Company doctor says I'm fine, just bruising"

"Alright then, let's get you nursed back to health" I reply, standing on my tiptoes to peck him on the nose

We get into my car and drive home, stopping off at the gas station for a load of ice for his ice bath. 

"This cannot be good for you" I say, standing over him with a bag of ice

"Just open the bag, and pour it over me" he insists, laying naked in the bath tub. There are bruises on his ribcage and shoulders. 

"And you wonder why I worry about you sometimes"

"I love what I do, just ice me"

I pour the first bag over his legs and proceed with the next making my way up his body.

He winces from the coldness as the ice hits his body. Ten bags of ice were eventually pours onto him. 

"I don't know how you do it" I sigh, holding an icepack to his forehead, as I sit next to the bath

"It's all I know, all I ever wanted to do"

"And now you are laying in a tub of ice"

"With the woman I love beside me, yes"

"You're so cheesy"

"You love me" he says with his cheeky smile 

"I do" I agree and kiss his cheek. "How do you know?"

"This is about work, isn't it?"

"Yeah. One of the bosses came in with a five year contract the other day"

"And you don't know if you can sign it"

"Yeah. I already put it in my mind to resign at the end of the year, that place doesn't make me happy"

"What's the offer?"

"More freedom in what I do, the choices I can make, and the money I make. So basically get paid for what I already do, and get recognition for it, instead of someone else taking credit"

"Well, I just want you to be happy. I know you are miserable there, and you are smart enough to not leave without something planned"

"You have such an insight" I mumble as I move his hair back from his face again 

"I just know you"

"If you know me, what am I going to do with the contract? Should I sign it or leave it?"

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