The First Offer

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About a month later, Adam has a week long of events, one after another so I have a lonely week ahead of me. Apartment phone rings, American number.

"Hello, is this Zoe Barnes?" the person on the other side asks

"Yeah it is, who's calling?" I reply and ask

"My name is Rebecca Murray, I'm one of the bosses at AMMA"

"And what does AMMA stand for?"

"America Match Making Agency, I got your number from Amanda McGill"

"Okay, what's the reason for your call? Because I really got to head to work"

"I know you worked for the Australian Match Making Organisation"

"Oh good, this isn't a call to match me. I'm not looking for new work"

"I've heard of what you can do, talked to some of your ex-clients who are still very happy with the partner that you matched them with, and well, my business could really use an employee like you"

"Look, I've got a job I love right now, which I have to get to"

"I know that"

"Then why call?"

"To see if you were interested"

"I'm not, but just to keep this going, where is AMMA based, Rebecca?"

"Tennessee, USA"

"Is that the only place?"

"No, we also have offices in LA, New York  and Texas"

"I'm sorry, but unless you have one up here in Antonio, Canada then heck, I can't help ya" I say, not really sorry

"Did I mention the money involved?"

"I don't want to know" I sigh, thinking back to the greed I had then. Money was the only reason then

"It's one million American dollars a year" she says as quickly as possible

"One... million...... really?" I say in shock, needing to sit down on the bed

"Yeah, and that's not including the bonuses and extras"

I stop for a few seconds, maybe I could move again and do this again. "Look, if I change my mind, give me the phone number and I'll contact you"

"Okay it's 555-0120-6361"

"Thanks" I say as I pretend to write it down

"Hope to hear from you Miss Barnes"

"Bye now"

"Bye" Rebecca finishes and hangs up

I have no plans to call them back, unable to remember a time I was this happy.

I head out to work in time for my shift and there are no customers for a while.

"So, how's your day been?" Stan asks, starting to colour in one of his tattoos with a marker

"Weird as always, got offered a job down in America" I reply, grabbing another marker to join the colouring session of his arm

"Did you take it?"

"Well, I'm still here, I don't plan in going anytime soon so I ain't taking the job"

"What was the job offered?"

"Match making"

"You a match maker? Give me a break" he laughs

"I've been one before, it's how I paid to get myself over here. And don't laugh, we'll ruin our art"

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