City Hall

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"So, how you been these past few weeks?" the doctor asks as I get myself comfortable on the soft chair

"Busy, keeping myself busy" I answer, frowning at the chair. Why can't I get comfortable today? "Did you get a new chair?"

"No, it's the same one"


"How have you been busy?"

"Work events, went to LA, board member now"


"So yeah, been busy"

"And how's married life?"

"How's what now?"

"The receptionist orders all the magazines, someone kept the article open as we were finishing up for the day"

"Well magazines say the most bullshit of lies"

"So you aren't married?"

"No, I am not. Why it that the one thing everyone is so fixated on?"

"Who is?"

"Just everyone"

"You need to be specific"

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Our mothers to start, is that what you wanted to hear?"

"So you've spoken to your mother, how'd that go?"

I laugh. This is exactly where she wanted me.

"Well" she urges 

"I didn't kill anyone or myself"

"That's good"

"The conversation was fine, and went exactly how I expected"

"Which is?"

"She was a bitch, I almost yelled at her, but she agreed to get her ass here for the wedding, which I had to convince her to do, then I hung up and smashed a plate"

"So your family is coming over later in the year"

"Yep, so I need you to fix me by then so I don't smash anyone's head in"

"You should know by now that is not how this works"

"Nice talking to you doc" I smile and head to the door

"How's the relationship going?"


"We don't use that word, you need to be descriptive"

I take my hand off the doorknob and sit back down. 

"So, what's the dynamic like?"

"He can be controlling, but the fight for power keeps everything on edge which is like fire"

"So eventually you will get burnt"

"I hope not, somehow it works for me. I couldn't tell you why. Maybe you can figure it out" 

"And have you seen Jay since our last session?"

I remain silent, resting back into the chair and smirk at her. 

She writes on her notepad.

"Great, the notepad again"

"Just answer the question, Zoe"

I laugh slightly to myself. "Yes, I have briefly seen Jay"

"And how'd that make you feel?"

"Really? For fucks sake" I laugh. "Umm, how would you feel if your ex rocked up in the middle of the night needing a place to stay? Then when you let him use the guest bedroom, he doesn't leave for basically a whole week, so you and your fiancé can't get a single moment alone"

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