You're A Rockstar

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Hours past and before I know it, it's Monday. It's back to work Monday. I get to work nothing has changed. Oh, except I've been given appointments with the company doctor. Yes, a company doctor. The doctor is a small old man in a white jacket. It seems a bit too familiar for my liking. Visions of rehab bounce around in my head.

"So, Miss Barnes how are you feeling today?" he asks with a bright wrinkly smile

"Fine" I smile back, hoping this is over quick

"Really? Have you taken any drugs in the past 24 hours?" he asks, getting right to the point

"Just alcohol and caffeine"

"No others?"

"No, no others"

"How much alcohol have you had?"

"In the past 24 hours?"


"Well I still woke up today, that should give you an answer. I haven't been here for a few weeks, I have a lot to catch up on"

He pulls out a breathalyzer, handing it over to me. "Please blow into this when I say"

"I thought only cops were able to have these?" I frown, confused at where this is heading. There was nothing in this job description that said I had to be sober.

"No, now please, blow"

I blow into the breathalyzer, raising an eyebrow at him. It beeps and I wait, sitting back in my chair.

He squints at  the result. "Miss Barnes, this is enough to kill you"

"Hmm" I say to myself, surprised. Yesterday was a weak day.

"Miss Barnes, if you don't cut back on the alcohol, you will die from it"

"At least I'll die from doing what I love"

"I'm serious"

"I know, I'll cut back"

"How much do you usually drink?"

"Depends" I shrug, opening a file, trying to get some work done.

"How are you not dead from all the alcohol in your system?"

"You're the doctor, you tell me. I'm pretty sure we are done here" I smile, urging him out, "and ask Lisa to come in on your way out"

He leaves and Lisa come in.

"Welcome back" she smiles, "you wanted to see me"

"Thank you. Who's been taking my clients while I was gone?"

"Amanda has"

"Send her a thank you note or card, will you? Make it look nice"

"Will do"

"Thanks, that's all for now"

She smiles and heads back to her desk, closing my door as she goes.

I smile at her as she leaves and closes the door. "I need a drink"

The day goes by so slow. By 11 in the morning, it feels like I has been there for the whole week. It was at this point I was extremely tempted by the small rock of cocaine in my office draw. I imagine the pain of coming down and decide it's just not worth the small high I would get from the coke. I know that as soon as I have the cocaine, I would begin a crazy craving for heroin. I also know that I don't have any heroin in my office. No, it's just not worth it. It's not worth it.

The week starts to go by, and days start to roll into one again, as it does with the job. It was Wednesday when Jay called.

"Good morning sweetheart" he greets as I pick up the phone

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