Tick Tock

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I get home late Tuesday night and crash on the sofa for the whole night. Kim wakes up at 9 the next morning and sees me on the sofa, completely out cold.

"Zoe!" she yells into my ear

I shoot up. "What? What? What?" I ask looking around, eyes wide open

"Where you been?"

"What do you mean 'where you been'? You lot sent me to the place in the first place" I ask, hitting my head on the soft cushion again

"Oh, so you did go to rehab? I thought you were in jail or something"

"I was for a night. Came back here, Sera put me back into my car and drove me off to rehab"

"When was your last drink?"

"A few weeks ago, just before I was arrested"


"That was a few weeks ago, right? Cop said I might have suffered a concussion, I've still got some dry blood on my forehead from it"

"The, what was supposed to be an intervention, was a few weeks ago, yes"

"Then it was a few weeks ago"

"So you haven't had an alcoholic drink since then?"

"Nope, I'm craving one though"

"You're not having one"

"But I want one, just one, a bottle of Jack"

"Which has over 4% alcohol, no way. You are not having any Jack Daniels"

"Jim then?"


"Some rum?"

"You have rum?"

"I don't know, I hope so"

"You're not having any alcohol, that's final"

I sit up and look over at her. "Why not? You know I love my alcohol more than anything, it's my drink of choice"

"No alcohol"

"Do you have any idea of how much you sound like my parents? It's quite fucking scary"

"You're still not having an alcohol"

"How about some Night Train?"

"No! Definitely no Night Train"

"Urgh!" I groan and head to the bathroom

"We found your bottle of Night Train in there"

I come out a couple minutes later. "I know, I looked before I took a piss" I answer and open the fridge, seeing lots of Pepsi and not much else to drink.

"Oh Jay called last week"


"Told him you were out and forgot your cell phone"

"Okay then, anything else?"

"His day off is Thursday this week, so you guys are going out then"

"Okay" I confirm, knowing I'm not going back to work this week, but still thinking about where there might be alcohol here. It must be somewhere? Did they get to my stash

"Oh, there is zero alcohol in this apartment now"

"Why? It's my apartment and it's my alcohol, what'd you do with it all?"

"Down the sink, rubbish in the bin"

"Oh..." I finish and head to my bedroom, looking to see if my alcohol stash was empty. A good addict always has a stash hidden away.

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