St Louis has No Mercy

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Savvis Arena was the destination of No Mercy that year. Crew worked all weekend to set up the stages and ring ready for the event on Sunday Night. Saturday was production day, and day for everyone to get the spots agreed on. Adam and Jay had around 20 minutes to destroy each other for a championship belt that will be hung above the ring. The ladders were made of thick steel and weren't just used for climbing in this industry.

Chris tackled me with a bearhug as I watched the ring be put together from the top of the ramp.

"Hey little birdie" I squealed in shock

"Want a rematch?" Chris jokes, motioning to the ring

"So Dwyane has more jokes to throw at you?" I retort, noting his current feud has been with The Rock for the title. Their promos making headlines.

"Like you'll beat me again. And that was a fluke, I'll make you tap this time"

"Oh, but I really don't want to injure you before your match tomorrow night. You know how competitive I can be"

"Fine. Since you are here, can you sort my beard out?"

"Sure, I'll be here tomorrow anyway, you come find me" I smile, giving in to his charm with a roll of my eyes

Chris heads to the back as I sigh, watching furniture and weapons being put under the ring apron. I remind myself that Adam is a professional, and has had ladder matches in the past. He had been a main part for one of the most dangerous matches the WWF has done, being TLC matches. It still terrified me of what he puts his body through with these matches.

"Tomorrow night, this place is going to be packed. What are you doing here, anyway?" Jay asks, sitting next to me in the stands, his title belt over his shoulder

"Adam asked me to come along, so I can watch him beat the daylights out of you up close" I laugh

"You're such a bitch" he jokes, shaking his head at me

"Asshole" I clap back at him, turning in my seat to look at him. "I hear congratulations are in order"

"So you heard?"

"I did. I'm happy for you, she's great" I say with as much strength as I can.

I'm not happy. He should be mine.

"She is, and thanks" Jay smiles

"When's the big day?"

"May. So another 6 or so months"

"How lovely" I say with a tight smile, my insides sinking, feeling my heartbreak slightly.

"Where'd you get Adam's ring from? It's kind of perfect"

"I might be happy for you Jay, but I'm not going to help you plan your wedding"

"That's fine, was simply asking for a tip" he shrugs, repositioning the title belt

I laugh to myself, turning myself in my seat to look back towards the ring. Adam was training with the ladders, completing bicep curls with the heavy steel, chatting with the youngest of the Hardy brothers. His wedding ring shines on his black chocker necklace as he sweats.

"Dee doesn't want you there on the day" Jay mentions


"Because she knows of our history"

"But she was fine when she first found out. She was more pissed at you for keeping me a secret"

"Well, I had fucked up, and I want to make her happy"

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