Curry Kisses

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Fuck my head. Where did the rest of the weekend go? I remember doing the gig, writing a song then heading out. Oh god, I went out. What did I do? I feel like shit. Flashes of a dark alley and red lit bathrooms. Not good.

It was just a taste test, nothing more, very tasty though

Oh fucking hell, that is definitely not good.

Text from unknown number – 'Saturday night was fun, we should do it again'

"Oh fuck" I say aloud to myself. I delete the message to try and erase every part of it from me.

He was a good fuck, you shouldn't have deleted that

No, I need to go to work, back to routine.

Work, drink, fuck, repeat. I know the drill.

I text Lisa to let her know I'm on my way, and to have a bagel ready.

"Denise, hi. How are you?" I greet, almost spitting out my tea as she enters my office. Why didn't Lisa warn me.

"Zoe! I'm great. I'm doing a photoshoot up the road and thought I'd stop in. You're looking well"

That's a lie. This vessel clearly looks like shit.

"Thanks. If I knew you were in town, I would've organised something to catch up"

"We can do a light lunch if you aren't busy. I should be done by 1"

"Sounds great, leave your details with Lisa and we'll head out"

"Yes, sorry. I didn't mean to distract you at work"

I smile at her. I can see Lisa just getting back to her desk.

Denise leaves chatting with Lisa on the way out. I focus back on my computer.

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom" Lisa's head pops around the door

"It's fine" I wave off and smile at her

"So how have you been?" Denise asks as we sit at the café

"Great, and you?" I reply, lying through my teeth

"Great. Have you seen Jay lately?"

"About two weeks ago, why?"

"Just been quiet with me, so thought I'd ask"

"When was the last time he chatted with you?"

"Just over a week ago. We usually chat every few days at least, so it's just a bit odd"

"And he hasn't called you back?"


"I can chat with Adam if you want?"

"If you could, that would be great"

"No worries, how's things otherwise with you two?"

"Fine, he seems distracted though"

Thinking of us

"I'm sure he's just focused on work" I say, trying to wave off her concerns 

"No this is different"


"He's not there when he's around, or when we chat, he's somewhere else"

He's thinking of us

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about"

"Well, the sex is still great"

I almost choke on my food. "Oh lovely" I cough, grabbing my drink

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