McDonalds Fries

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I get back to my apartment and see all of my bottles of alcohol are empty by the sink.

"What the hell?" I say to myself

Sera walks in. "Oh good, you're back. Can you set the table? Phil's coming over for dinner"

"Sure, but first. What the hell happened to my drinks?"

"I put them down the sink, can't have alcohol around Phil, so I'm not having it in the house anymore" she rambles in a panic

"But this is my house, that was my alcohol" I complain

"Can you please set the table now? He'll be here in a bit"

"Fine" I say, defeated and begin to set the table

"Thank you"

"Has he  seen the real you yet or are you going to play pretend for the rest of your life?"

"He has"

"Then why am I setting a table? You and I both know that this isn't the real you"

"Because people usually sit at a table when they eat"

"Then why..."

"Look, I know where you're going with this. I just want to impress him because I really, really like him"

"And if he really, really likes you, he'll accept you for the way you really are and not this everything must be perfect Sera shell that you've wrapped yourself in when you're with him"

"What if he doesn't accept it?"

"Then it was never meant to be. I set you two up because I figured that when he sees the real you, he'll fall in love with it and accept the way you really are, even though it's quite the opposite to the way he is. Now stop your acting and relax"

"What if..."

"Stop thinking of the what ifs!" I shout

The room is silent, still for a moment

"It'll be your biggest failure" she mumbles

"I know, I'll accept that. But it won't make my life much different to how it is at the moment,  I'll still be high and dry"

"Maybe you should stop getting high and dry and come back to reality" she laughs

"Yeah, and monkeys will fly out of my butt!"

Knock at the door.

"Shit, he's here" Sera screams in panic and runs into her room to finish getting ready

"Calm down and be yourself" I tell her and answer the door

"Oh, is Sera there?" Phil asks as I open the door

"Sera? Oh yeah, she's just... finishing up. Come  in" I answer and motion him inside. "Take a seat, she shouldn't be long"

"Thanks" he says and sits down, "I was surprised you matched me with one of your friends"


"Just a Pepsi"

"Your profiles matched, and she's special. So don't go breaking her heart, because I'll break your legs" I smile, handing him his drink

"Of course. Is she going to be long now?"

"I'll check on her." I walk to her room and knock on the door. "Oi, you got a visitor, hurry up"

"Coming!" Sera responds and steps out of her room.

"Hey" Phil greets

"Hi" Sera responds.

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