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"Zoe, you're going back to rehab" Kim asserts as I enter the apartment later that Sunday

"Oh, but I don't want to" I reply with a smile, smoking the last of my joint

"Zoe, there won't be any more playing music with me unless you go to rehab and finally clean yourself up" Joe tells me, his arms crossed

"What are you doing here?" I frown. Sure, who doesn't want to be at party central, but I just saw him at the pub.

"Looking out for you" Joe groans

"Well don't, I'm not going to rehab" I mumble, crunching my joint end on the wall.

"Yes you are" Kim says again, approaching me carefully.

"No I'm not" I laugh, leaving out the front door and running back to my car. I can't go through this again.

Within a matter of minutes of driving down the dirt highway, a car is speeding up behind me, red and blue lights flashing on the dashboard.

"Zoe Barnes, right?" the man asks as I roll down my window

"Yeah, what seems to be the problem?" I ask with squinted eyes up at him. He doesn't look like a cop, maybe he's off duty. Might not want to have this joint between my lips.

"Can you please step out of the car? We're taking you in"

"In where? You're not a real cop, that's not even the proper cop car"

He shows me his badge. Yep, off duty. Shit.

"Oh, okay then. Can you tell me why?" I pester, turning my engine off

"Well, you were going 30miles over the legal limit, you have a suspected illegal drug hanging out of your mouth, not to mention the escape from the rehabilitation facility"

"Rehab, I haven't escaped any rehab place" I laugh. That's a new one to the record.

"According to this report you have. I'm taking you back there now, plus a $5000 fine"

"Great, fucking perfect" I say to myself as I step out of my car and have the handcuffs placed on me.

The cop drives me to the airport and more cops escort me to a plane. Having somewhat learnt from my last encounter with cops in this area, I keep my mouth shut for the drive. What rehab did I escape from? When did I escape? And more importantly, how did I escape?

A policeman bangs at the front door of the small house, just outside the Chicago centre.

"Good afternoon sir, so sorry to bother you" the officer greets as Phil opens the door

"Not at all officer. What I can I do for you?" Phil answers

"Honey, who is it?" Sera yells from the kitchen

"The police" Phil yells back with a frown

Sera runs to the front door, her eyes wide. "What can we do for you officer?"

"Afternoon ma'am. I was hoping one of you could identify this woman that we picked up following a tip that came from this area?" the officer asks, handing over a photo of Zoe, her hair wild, fingermarks around her neck

"Yes, that's my old friend, Zoe Barnes. Why?" Sera answers, sounding innocent. It was her, of course, that put in the tip with them to arrest her, to bring her here and put her into rehab there

"Just wanted to make sure we got the right person. She was found in Tennessee, and we are bringing her back up here for her sentencing. Thank you for your cooperation" the officer says with a smile, heading back to his car

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