New Years Love

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I worked from 7 in the morning until 9 at night that week in the office. Don't you just hate the busy season. It's like this around all the holidays of the year. But New Years and Valentines are the holidays people are wanting to find love in time for. They must have the midnight kiss. Even if it means we miss ours.

It's the evening before New Year's Eve, Jay has touched down in Tennessee.

"Hey sweetheart, I just got in" he says as I pick up the phone. It's 6pm, I'm drinking gin at my desk, wanting to forget the days I've had, trying to finish the last few files for the day.

"Hey honeybun. Yeah, I'm still at work"

"Wow, really?"

"I did say this was a busy period"

"I'll see you soon" he finishes with a smile, getting into a taxi. "Cass and 8th, please" Jay asks the driver

"Come downstairs" Jay texts, standing outside the tall building

I frown at the message, it's dark and cold tonight, I hope he isn't standing out there in these conditions, even if he is Canadian. "I'll be back in a moment" I tell Lisa, heading to the lifts. Seeing him on the other side of the glass door as I passed through the turnstiles was a sight my insides almost couldn't take. "What are you doing here?" I ask, smiling wide as I open the door

Our lips collide in a heat of passion.

"Hey" he growls with a cheeky smile

"Hi" I happily sigh

"You said you were still at work, I wanted to surprise you" he shrugs, entering the building

"You can always surprise me. But I probably won't be finished for a couple of hours"

"I'll wait" he smiles, closing the door

"Fine. But I am working"

"I know"

I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his lips lightly, before taking his hand to lead him into the lifts.

"What would happen if I were to press that red button, right now?" Jay says, winking at me, eyes on the emergency stop in the lift

"Don't give me any ideas, William. I've got other business to attend to" I reply with a sly smile

"Maybe next time then" he says against my hair

Entering the office floor, the majority of the team has gone home. It's just myself, Rebecca, Tiffany, Amanda, Lauren and Lisa. Rebecca has barricaded herself in her office all day, announcing she's in meetings all day. Lisa has denied this but no one has been able to see her. Amanda and Lauren look up with a twinkling eyes as Jay enters the office space.

"Back to work ladies, I'm sure you want to get home too" I motion to them. This man is mine

"Eddleston and Stanley are on the phone. Line 1 and 2" Lisa says in a huff, running towards me, then stopping at the sight of Jay.

"Shit. Lisa, can you organise a drink for Jay whilst I sort out those two idiots?" I ramble back

"Of course" she smiles, "right this way"

I smile at Jay, giving his hand a squeeze then running to my office with a sigh. My phone flashing. "Mr Eddleston, what a pleasure" I say, picking up the phone and quickly placing the photo frame into my desk drawer.

"So we have alcohol leftover from the Christmas party, we also have water, tea, coffee and juice" Lisa offers in the kitchen to Jay

Jay stares, looking like a deer in headlights. "Water is fine"

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