LA Love

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"You sure you'll be alright for this trip to LA?" Kim asks as we eat a microwave meal in front of the telly.

"Of course. I haven't even thought about drugs since rehab" I answer, lying through my teeth. I've been thinking about drugs a lot since being given this business trip. They will always be in the back of my mind, always.

"Except alcohol"

"Yes, except alcohol"

"And Sera's wedding is in a couple of weeks"

"I know. My greatest success story yet" I say with a sinister giggle.

"I'm excited for it. Can't wait to see a bit more of Chicago"

"That place holds bad memories for me"

"Of course it does"

I smile at her. Monday Night Raw is about to begin, the intro songs and movie is lighting up the television screen.

"Is Adam coming with you to the wedding?" she asks.

"Yes, he is. I just need to confirm it with Sera"

"You haven't confirmed it with Sera?"

"Not exactly, no. But I set them up, I should get a plus one"

"It's in a couple of weeks, you need to tell her" Kim yells at me

"Fine, I will. Can we just watch this now?"

"Sure. I can see why you picked Adam by the way. He's good for you"

"Well, I did marry him" I laugh, as he pops up on screen with Jay

We finish our dinner and she heads to her room, smiling at her phone. She's got a new love interest in Robert, who she met in town last week. I clean up, listening to the Raw commentary.

A few minutes later, my phone rings with Adam's name flashing on the small screen. Giggling, I run to my room with a large grin, jumping on my bed just to answer the phone.

"Hi" I answer, picturing Adam in my mind. This tour feels like it's gone for ages, him being on the other side of the world.

"Hey" he says back, smiling. He is cooped up in his London motel room, having finished the show that night and feeling tired. This tour has been fun, but exhausting. He can't wait to be back home.

"Hi" I breathe, relieved I am finally speaking to him


The smile on my face hurts, hearing his voice making me miss him more. "I miss you"

"I miss you too" 

"No, seriously. I really do miss you" I groan, wishing him to be back here sooner than scheduled. I miss him in my bed, between my legs. His lips on mine and his forever warmth.

"I know baby, and I'll see you soon. Chicago is not far away"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure I can wait that long"

"Both of us have waited longer than that, and you know it" he laughs, swallowing down his own groan. The sound of her needing him driving him insane. If only there still wasn't one more event to go, he'd be on the next flight out.

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact I miss you"

"I land back in a few days, come see me on the Northwest Coast"

"I love you, Adam" I whisper

"I love you too, Zoe" he smiles, before shouting erupts outside his room, taking his attention away. "Fucking hell, I got to go" he sighs before hanging up

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