The Word Is Out

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Waking naked in the wet patch on a Sunday morning, it's a warm summer day. Slipping into Adam's tshirt and yesterday's thong, I make my way to the kitchen to make my cup of tea and Adam's coffee.

"Morning gorg" Jay smiles, sleepily, wearing just his silk boxers

"Morning darl. No naming today?" I smirk at him, giving him a side eye, quickly swapping the ring to my other hand

"Haven't had coffee yet, and it's your birthday weekend" he replies, grabbing his cup from the high cupboard, stretching his arm and back muscles

I ogle at him, watching every muscle contract.

"Eyes up here" he grins

"Wasn't looking" I lie

"That's a new piece of jewellery" he points out

"Pretty, isn't it?" I smile, looking at it on my right hand

"Is a congratulations in order?"

"On the other hand, so no"

"Might just chat to Adam about it. You seem to be lying"

On cue, Adam enters the kitchen. I hand him his coffee. "Thanks babe" he mumbles

"Congratulations, Adam" Jay grins with a sinister look

"Thanks, just happy she said yes"

I look at Adam in shock.

"Knew it" Jay laughs, finishing his coffee. "Congratulations then" he whispers against my cheek as he walks past, his hand grazing my hip as he makes his way to the bathroom

I jump up onto the counter, sitting and drinking my tea. Adam moves between my legs, placing his cup down with mine.

"Good morning my sexy fiancé" he grins, his lips lightly touching mine

"Good morning sweet" I moan, trapping him against me

"I thought it was going to be a secret"

"I didn't tell him"

Adam frowns. "So I just..."

"Yeah, you blew it. One less secret"

"How many secrets do you have?" he questions, grabbing his cup

"None from you" I smile over the rim of my cup. I haven't told him everything about my past, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. And it's not something I want to relive. Those demons are mine to keep.

"Oh good" he grins, finishing his coffee and pulling me closer

"Promise me something, Adam" I murmur, staring into his hazel eyes, pushing back his blonde hair


"Your tongue will always be mine"

"For as long as you want me" he says, showing his devilish grin

"Then there's no problem then" I confirm, sealing the deal with a kiss. Our tongues lightly touch, his groin hardening.

"We've talked about this, guys" Jay complains, entering the room dripping wet in a towel

"Sorry" Adam smiles at him, kissing my neck, "can't help if I'm a bit excited"

"He's right, we did say no more common area sex when others are here"

"It's all I ask. Remember we're heading out today" Jay finishes, heading to put clothes on

"Oh shit, yeah" I smile, remembering my day plans with Jay

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