A Family Christmas

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The weeks have started to go by. It's nearly Christmas now. It's not my first Christmas away from home. I've spent a Christmas in rehab, and another as a runaway. I was a terrible teenager with a complicated relationship with my mother. Now is not the time to explain this. Now is not the time for the voices to return. Shit.

"I think I love her" Adam comments on the flight back from LA, where they were for a sting of events

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jay questions, feeling slight disbelief. The kiss still scorched in his mind, tingling on his lips.

"I love her" Adam smiles, staring out the plane window

"You're dreaming" Jay laughs

"Nope. I'm sure of it"

"Then tell her"

"I will"

"Good, do it. Do it as soon as we get home. Go to her hotel and tell her"

"I'll pick my moment"

Jay rolls his eyes and orders a drink from the attendant.

Sunday, 3 days before Christmas. We've had office parties in for the past couple of nights at the pub, and they spend big. It's been a good few nights, even if we've had to break up a few fights and put some businessmen in line with how they treat the girls, myself included.


"Who is it?" I yell out

"It's me" Adam responds from the other side of the door

"Good because I'm not dressed for visitors" I laugh, opening the door in a baggy tshirt and lace underwear. My makeup is smudged and hair sticking up from the day old hairspray.

Adam is looking showered in band tshirt, flanno and jeans. "You look gorgeous" he greets, trying to suppress a laugh

"I hate you" I smile, kissing him quickly

"Busy night?"

"Yeah, very. But on break until after Christmas now"

"Is that strawberry?" he asked, looking puzzled as he enters the small hotel room

"Is what strawberry?"


"Probably my gloss. You like it?"

"It's alright, very sweet"

"It's cheap, think it's for kids really"

"Want to head out?"

"Yeah, I'll just get a shower and stuff. I wish you would call"

"I like surprising you. Plus then, I get to see you as you"

"You are disgusting, it's great" I say then get in the shower

He follows me into the bathroom and plants himself on the closed toilet seat, watching me shower. "What are you doing for Christmas anyway?" he asks as I wash my hair

"Ignore the world including my family, just like I do every year" I reply, struggling to get the old hairspray out

"Oh, I definitely don't want to take you away from that" he laughs

"Can we talk about this in a minute? I'm fighting with my hair" I laugh, smoothing the knots with the conditioner

He's quiet for a moment, I can feel his hot gaze. "God you're sexy" he sighs

"Come spend Christmas with me" he insists as we stroll through a nearby park

"I don't want to intrude"

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