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The next morning, Jay wakes up to a feeling of being stared at. He opens his eyes to find Kim standing next to us, waiting for me to wake up.

"Morning" he greets, eyes half shut and stretching his arms

"Morning, looks like you two had a good day and night" Kim greets back

"Yes we did"

"Can you wake Zoe up slightly?"

"Why? Perfectly comfortable right now, why would I want to disturb it?" he smiles, holding me tight

"I need to talk to her, urgently, please" Kim asks, tapping her foot.

"Fine" he says and nudges me slightly.

"What?" I moan into his warm chest

"Wake up" Jay tells me

"Why? I'm comfortable"

"I know, you're friend wants to talk to you"

"If they were my friend, they wouldn't disturb me when I'm comfortable"

"Zoe, did you see the note Sera left?" Kim asks me, realising I'm slightly awake now

"Yeah, why?" I answer, opening my eyes slightly to look at her

"She's left and didn't even say bye"

"Yeah she did, in the note thing" I say and smile

"You know what I mean"

"I know, can we talk about it later? I'm still busy"

"Doing what?"

"Sleeping on a very sexy man before he has to leave, now go"

Kim leaves in a huff.

"Love you too" Jay says, kisses me on my forehead before we both go back to sleep.

The day is spent at a local gym then cuddling on the sofa, watching bad television. It was us, simply comfortable with each other, and great sex.

"I got to go" Jay announces, seeing the clock, urging me to get off him.

"Where?" I ask. I know the answer, but I hold hope that it's just to loo instead.

"I got to start driving or I'll be late"

"Call in sick or something"

"And say what?" he laughs, his eyes shining

"Diarrhea" I shrug, chin resting on his chest

"That won't get me out of work"

"Contagious diarrhea"

"Won't work"

"Then say the truth"

"Which is?"

"That I'm not getting up so nor can you"

"That won't work either"

"What will work then?"

"A doctor's note"

"Can't help you there"

"I have to go to work" he sighs

"Fine" I accept and sit up, defeated

He puts the rest of his clothes on and heads for the door, kissing me quickly. "Love you"

"Love you too"

Kim walks in as I put on my clothes. "It's so different seeing you in love, it's weird"

"Yeah, it is weird" I say, pulling my top down

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